Salvation Army included on Pakistan memorial

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Army’s relief work in Pakistan recognized on “Resilience Memorial.”


When a powerful earthquake brought devastation to the mountainous north of Pakistan in October 2005, The Salvation Army was one of the first organizations to arrive in the region, bringing much-needed emergency supplies. In the months that have passed The Salvation Army in Pakistan—with able assistance from the International Emergency Services team—has continued to work to help communities re-establish their lives. During this time they have formed a good working relationship with the Pakistan military, which is coordinating the relief and rehabilitation response.

In a recent ceremony The Salvation Army’s efforts were recognized when the military commander of the area, General Zubair, unveiled a Resilience Memorial. This memorial is a witness to the global response to this tragedy. Names of government and voluntary organizations from all over the world—including The Salvation Army—are engraved on the memorial rock.

General Zubair presented Captain Macdonald Chandi, emergency services coordinator for The Salvation Army in Pakistan, with a certificate of appreciation. The captain accepted this on behalf of all Salvation Army officers, soldiers and volunteers who had helped, and also on behalf of the countless donors whose financial contributions made this prolonged Salvation Army presence possible.

The Salvation Army in Pakistan is continuing its work with the communities in northern Pakistan and an office has been established in Manshera. Through partnership projects with local non-governmental organizations more than 300 children in the mountain village of Mang are now back at school, in earthquake-proof buildings, and 800 families in 40 villages have been given assistance to restart livelihoods. In order to help some of the countless thousands still living in tents or in makeshift houses, a winter relief project has been launched to provide shelter and warm blankets for 4,000 people. To help assess the need for trauma counseling, The Salvation Army is also bringing in expert personnel to help people come to terms with the long-term emotional and psychological effects of the disaster.

Salvation Army international news bulletin

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