Sacramento Citadel adds soldiers to rolls

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What better way to begin a new year than with the enrollment of new soldiers? Jennifer Austin, Don Teel, and Dixie Fergusson were enrolled at Sacramento Citadel recently before a capacity congregation.

Each gave witness to their personal spiritual pilgrimage and desire to serve the Lord through The Salvation Army. Jennifer was introduced to the Army when she accepted employment seven years ago during the Christmas toy distribution. Although not now an employee, she has embraced the Army as her place of worship.

Don testified to the way his life was transformed some 10 years ago, and how he then found a ministry working with recovering addicts in the ARC program, first as a volunteer and then as an employee. He continues to have a profound influence on the men, as was evidenced by their attendance at his enrollment.

Dixie spoke of the way her life has come full circle, having first encountered the Army as one of seven children whose family’s practical needs were met by the Army in the difficult times during her childhood. She has worked alongside Salvationists in her capacity as a Red Cross employee during disaster relief, but only began attending Sacramento Citadel Corps about two years ago.

In his message, Corps Officer Major David Drake challenged all in attendance to be an active part of the body of Christ.

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