Round Up Rallies bring Intermountain Division together

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With “Round Up Rallies,” leaders of the widespread Intermountain Division—comprising Colorado, Montana, Utah and Wyoming—have developed a way to bring people together while keeping travel costs and program expenses low. In the past, many corps families have been unable to attend united divisional events because of travel distance and cost.

The concept developed out of the division’s Youth Department, which had been holding successful regional youth rallies for a couple of years. After sharing ideas, the divisional headquarters’ (DHQ) staff decided to “piggy back” some adult programming onto the youth rallies, involve the entire DHQ staff, and encourage as many corps members as possible to attend.

According to Captain Ronalee A. Fenrich, divisional Guard and Sunbeam director, “Not only does this make for great fellowship and networking among the corps, but it cuts down on the need for DHQ staff to travel several times a year for regional events and training.”

This year Intermountain has conducted three Round Up Rallies—one each in Colorado (hosted by the Colorado Springs Corps), Utah (hosted by the Salt Lake City Central Corps), and Montana (hosted by the Billings Corps).

The Saturday rallies offer several tracks, with something for everyone, and each DHQ officer provides leadership or support. After registration, youth and adults join for lunch, followed by separate sessions for youth, women, and men. After the various tracks, everyone comes together at the end of the day for a combined celebration rally, where the divisional commander gives a devotion and awards are presented.

For DHQ officers and staff, the day isn’t over—they all help with clean up, which, as Fenrich notes, “is a great way to be a servant to the corps officers—and wonderful for fellowship,” and then take the hosting officers and their families out to a relaxed dinner.

On Sunday, the DHQ officers split up to attend different corps, allowing some of the more remote corps to be visited. Not only is this good for finances since only one trip is taken, but it is also great for the morale of the corps officers.

The success of the Round Up Rallies can be measured by attendance—180 in Colorado, 130 in Utah, and 103 in Montana. Feedback has been positive, and the division is planning more rallies for the future.

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