Reno reflects on summer activities

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Reno Corps adds Sundays in the Park and Adult Bible College to summer schedule.

by Carole Miller and Major Doug Williams –

Children enjoy a bounce house during VBS in Reno. [Photo by Doug Williams]

The Reno Corps summer was busy and productive—and featured new events.

Sundays in the Park: Once a month, July through September, the corps moved its worship services to a neighborhood park. The day offered singing, devotions and praise testimonies, volleyball, softball, table games, fellowship—and a barbecue meal. Attendance grew each month, with September topping the 200 mark. In all, nearly 600 men, women and children joined in God’s great cathedral.

The inaugural Adult Bible College and Youth Bible School in July comprised an extended weekend of music, crafts and Bible study. Up to 125 adults gathered each of three consecutive days for intense Scripture study. Young people enjoyed getting into God’s Word to help provide the foundation they need to face everyday challenges.

Other summer events included a weekly farmer’s market booth, providing snacks to over 1,000 children at Rotary’s Kids Free Fishing Day, Reno Rodeo and Hot August Nights parking fundraisers for World Services, and handing out nearly 2,500 child ID wristbands at the Nevada State Fair. The corps also provided more than 100 children with $150 in new school clothing and backpacks of supplies during the annual Operation Back 2 School shopping spree.

Adult Rehabilitation Program beneficiaries enjoyed numerous baseball games when the University of Nevada at Reno and the Reno Astros baseball team both donated tickets. The men also went fishing and came back with an impressive catch.

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reno reflects on summer activities. reno corps adds sundays in the park and adult bible college to summer schedule. by carole miller and major doug williams –. children enjoy a bounce house during vbs in reno. [photo by doug williams] the reno corps summer was busy and productive—and featured new events. sundays in the park: once a month, july through september, the corps moved its worship services to a neighborhood park. the day offered singing, devotions and praise testimonies, volleyball, softball, table games, fellowship—and a barbecue meal. attendance grew each month, with september topping the 200 mark. in all, nearly 600 men, women and children joined in god’s great cathedral. the inaugural adult bible college and youth bible school in july comprised an extended weekend of music, crafts and bible study. up to 125 adults gathered each of three consecutive days for intense scripture study. young people enjoyed getting into god’s word to help provide the foundation they need to face everyday challenges. other summer events included a weekly farmer’s market booth, providing snacks to over 1,000 children at rotary’s kids free fishing day, reno rodeo and hot august nights parking fundraisers for world services, and handing out nearly 2,500 child id wristbands at the nevada state fair. the corps also provided more than 100 children with $150 in new school clothing and backpacks of supplies during the annual operation back 2 school shopping spree. adult rehabilitation program beneficiaries enjoyed numerous baseball games when the university of nevada at reno and the reno astros baseball team both donated tickets. the men also went fishing and came back with an impressive catch.
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