The Salvation Army in Hawaii kicks off its bellringing season.
By Daniel de Castro
Honolulu Mayor Peter Carlisle helped usher in the The Salvation Army Red Kettle season by making the first donation into a kettle during a holiday musical presentation in the heart of downtown Honolulu.
John Dean, president and CEO of Central Pacific Bank, a corporate partner in The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program, joined Carlisle. The Royal Hawaiian Band played Christmas music and entertained the crowd during the busy lunch hour at Tamarind Park.
Major John Chamness, Hawaiian and Pacific Islands divisional commander, thanked everyone for supporting The Salvation Army through their donations in the 90 kettles located throughout the state.
Meanwhile, in Lihue, Kauai, a hula halau and a group of young Marshallese dancers helped launch the red kettles during a musical program at the Kukui Grove Center. Red kettles were set up throughout the mall for shoppers to donate while watching live entertainment.
Lt. Austin Anderson, Hanapepe corps officer, said, “This is the first time we’re doing this on Kauai as an official kickoff to announce to the community that the kettles are a source of significant contributions that help sustain our programs.”