Qualifications for those considering officership

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Major Brian Bearchell

“Salvation Army officership? I want to be a part of that. How do I sign up?” This is a question I get asked a lot as the territorial youth and candidates’ secretary. Whether at a youth event or by e-mail, I constantly encounter those who are interested in “joining.” To those who ask, I share the following:

First, one must be a soldier (member) of a Salvation Army corps. There are a lot of non-Salvationists who are interested in serving the Lord through the Army, without really knowing much about who we are. They see all the good being done in their community and want to be a part of it.

Second, I encourage them to get fully involved in their corps (church). Learn about the programs. Learn about the community services. Learn how the corps is a part of the bigger “army” of God and how it spreads the Gospel of Jesus to all.

Then, I suggest that they make it a matter of prayer. Is there a sure/clear sense of God’s calling to officership in your life?

A few other qualifications are: Be a uniform wearing soldier, out of significant debt, able to serve at least 15 years after commissioning, over 18 years of age, read above the 10th grade reading level, have a high school diploma or a General Equivalency Diploma (GED), be a US citizen or a permanent resident, be physically fit, and pass a psychological evaluation test.

There is no doubt in my mind that God calls a variety of individuals to serve as Salvation Army officers. If this is God’s call for you, contact your corps officer. He or she is the first point of entry.

God has raised up this great army–and for this great army, God has called some to serve as officers and others as soldiers.

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