A/Captain Alvin Solts, 76, was promoted to Glory Sept. 9, from Nampa, Idaho.
While working one summer in Portland, Ore., he met his future wife, Roberta, the minister’s daughter. They wed in 1955. Their five children, Kay, Kevin, Kenneth, Kerril and Keith were born during the next six years.
Solts’ employment took him to various states, including Idaho, Arizona, California and Montana. He owned and operated a dry cleaning plant in Phoenix, Ariz., and was co-owner of a restaurant in Nampa. During those years he was involved in youth work and music ministry in the churches they attended.
Feeling the call of God to full-time ministry, he joined The Salvation Army Nampa Corps. The Soltses began their Salvation Army ministry in Sacramento and then Grass Valley, Calif. They retired in November 1999 from the Grass Valley Corps and made their home in Nampa.
Solts is survived by his wife, Roberta, their five children and spouses, nine grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Rev. Matthew Haggard of the Boise New Hope Nazarene Church conducted the memorial service.