Profiles of the Candidates (High Council 2013)

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Below are the profiles of the candidates for General of The Salvation Army in alphabetical order (by surname).



Please be in prayer for each candidate and for all members of the High Council as they continue to seek God’s guidance.



Commissioner André Cox
Chief of the Staff, International Headquarters

Date of birth: 12 July 1954
Nationality: British/Swiss
Home corps: Genève 1, Switzerland & Austria Territory
Commissioned: 25 May 1979
Married: Silvia Volet, 25 September 1976

Switzerland and Austria Territory
Corps (June 1979)

Zimbabwe Territory
PR (July 1987), THQ (June 1992)
Financial Secretary (April 1994)

Switzerland, Austria and Hungary Territory
Head of Communications Department (October 1997)
Business Administrator (February 2002)

Finland and Estonia Territory
Territorial Commander (July 2005)

Southern Africa Territory
Territorial Commander (October 2008)

United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland
Territorial Commander (May 2012)

International Headquarters
Chief of the Staff (February 2013)




Commissioner Kenneth G. Hodder
Territorial Commander, Kenya West Territory

Date of birth: 16 June 1958
Nationality: American/British
Home corps: Pasadena Tabernacle, USA Western Territory
Commissioned: 12 June 1988
Married: Jolene Kay Lloyd, 10 June 1982



USA Western Territory
Corps (June 1988), Training College (July 1992), THQ (July 1993)
USA Southern Territory
Training College (July 1997) – additional appointment

International Headquarters
Congress Coordinator (July 1997)

USA Western Territory
General Secretary (September 2000)
Divisional Commander (February 2002)

Kenya Territory
Chief Secretary (March 2006)

Kenya East Territory
Chief Secretary (March 2008)

International Headquarters
International Secretary for Personnel &
Legal & Constitutional Adviser to the General (June 2009)

Kenya West Territory
Territorial Commander (January 2013)




 Commissioner James M. Knaggs
Territorial Commander, USA Western Territory

Date of birth: 5 December 1950
Nationality: American
Home corps: Philadelphia (Roxborough), PA, USA Eastern Territory
Commissioned: 12 June 1976
Married: Carolyn Lance, 26 August 1972



USA Eastern Territory
Corps (June 1976), DHQ (December 1976), Corps (August 1980), DHQ (June 1983), THQ (January 1987), DHQ (June 1989), THQ (July 1992), DHQ (August 1996)
Divisional Commander (January 1999)
Territorial Secretary for Personnel (September 2000)
Chief Secretary (April 2003)

Australia Southern Territory
Territorial Commander (August 2006)

USA Western Territory
Territorial Commander (July 2010)




Commissioner Dick Krommenhoek
Territorial Commander, Norway, Iceland and The Færoes Territory

Date of birth: 18 June 1952
Nationality: Dutch
Home corps: Amsterdam, The Netherlands Territory
Commissioned: 27 May 1983
Married: Vibeke Schou Larsen, 2 September 1978



The Netherlands Territory
Corps (May 1983)
Territorial Music Secretary (February 1986)
Divisional Commander (September 1991)
Editor-in-Chief and Literature Secretary (March 1995)
Denmark Territory
Finance & Property Secretary (July 1997)
Chief Secretary (September 2000)
Territorial Commander (January 2001)

France Territory
Territorial Commander (November 2004)

International Headquarters
The General’s Representative for Global Evangelisation (November 2006)

Finland and Estonia Territory
Territorial Commander (October 2008)

Norway, Iceland and The Færoes Territory
Territorial Commander (February 2013)




 Commissioner Barry C. Swanson
Territorial Commander, USA Eastern Territory
Date of birth: 22 April 1950
Nationality: American
Home corps: Chicago (Mt Greenwood), IL, USA Central Territory
Commissioned: 11 June 1978
Married: Sue Miller, 15 June 1975



USA Central Territory
Corps (June 1977), DHQ (June 1990), Corps (July 1992), DHQ (June 1994)
Divisional Commander (August 1995)
Territorial Secretary for Programme (July 1999)
Chief Secretary (April 2003)
USA National Headquarters
National Chief Secretary (July 2006)

International Headquarters
International Secretary for Americas & Caribbean (July 2007)

USA Central Territory
Territorial Commander (October 2008)

International Headquarters
Chief of the Staff (May 2010)

USA Eastern Territory
Territorial Commander (February 2013)




** Also, please note that the official group photo of the High Council is now available. It can be downloaded from the IHQ Flickr feed.

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profiles of the candidates (high council 2013). below are the profiles of the candidates for general of the salvation army in alphabetical order (by surname). please be in prayer for each candidate and for all members of the high council as they continue to seek god’s guidance. commissioner andré cox chief of the staff, international headquarters. date of birth: 12 july 1954 nationality: british/swiss home corps: genève 1, switzerland austria territory commissioned: 25 may 1979 married: silvia volet, 25 september 1976 appointments. switzerland and austria territory corps (june 1979). zimbabwe territory pr (july 1987), thq (june 1992) financial secretary (april 1994). switzerland, austria and hungary territory head of communications department (october 1997) business administrator (february 2002). finland and estonia territory territorial commander (july 2005). southern africa territory territorial commander (october 2008). united kingdom territory with the republic of ireland territorial commander (may 2012). international headquarters chief of the staff (february 2013). commissioner kenneth g. hodder territorial commander, kenya west territory. date of birth: 16 june 1958 nationality: american/british home corps: pasadena tabernacle, usa western territory commissioned: 12 june 1988 married: jolene kay lloyd, 10 june 1982. appointments. usa western territory corps (june 1988), training college (july 1992), thq (july 1993) usa southern territory training college (july 1997) – additional appointment. international headquarters congress coordinator (july 1997). usa western territory general secretary (september 2000) divisional commander (february 2002). kenya territory chief secretary (march 2006). kenya east territory chief secretary (march 2008). international headquarters international secretary for personnel legal constitutional adviser to the general (june 2009). kenya west territory territorial commander (january 2013). commissioner james m. knaggs territorial commander, usa western territory. date of birth: 5 december 1950 nationality: american home corps: philadelphia (roxborough), pa, usa eastern territory commissioned: 12 june 1976 married: carolyn lance, 26 august 1972. appointments. usa eastern territory corps (june 1976), dhq (december 1976), corps (august 1980), dhq (june 1983), thq (january 1987), dhq (june 1989), thq (july 1992), dhq (august 1996) divisional commander (january 1999) territorial secretary for personnel (september 2000) chief secretary (april 2003). australia southern territory territorial commander (august 2006). usa western territory territorial commander (july 2010). commissioner dick krommenhoek territorial commander, norway, iceland and the færoes territory. date of birth: 18 june 1952 nationality: dutch home corps: amsterdam, the netherlands territory commissioned: 27 may 1983 married: vibeke schou larsen, 2 september 1978. appointments. the netherlands territory corps (may 1983) territorial music secretary (february 1986) divisional commander (september 1991) editor-in-chief and literature secretary (march 1995) denmark territory finance property secretary (july 1997) chief secretary (september 2000) territorial commander (january 2001). france territory territorial commander (november 2004). international headquarters the general’s representative for global evangelisation (november 2006). finland and estonia territory territorial commander (october 2008). norway, iceland and the færoes territory territorial commander (february 2013). commissioner barry c. swanson territorial commander, usa eastern territory date of birth: 22 april 1950 nationality: american home corps: chicago (mt greenwood), il, usa central territory commissioned: 11 june 1978 married: sue miller, 15 june 1975. appointments. usa central territory corps (june 1977), dhq (june 1990), corps (july 1992), dhq (june 1994) divisional commander (august 1995) territorial secretary for programme (july 1999) chief secretary (april 2003) usa national headquarters national chief secretary (july 2006). international headquarters international secretary for americas caribbean (july 2007). usa central territory territorial commander (october 2008). international headquarters chief of the staff (may 2010). usa eastern territory territorial commander (february 2013). ** also, please note that the official group photo of the high council is now available. it can be downloaded from the ihq flickr feed.
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