Administration and staff send daily encouragement to officers of the West

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From Dec.1 until Christmas, members of Territorial Headquarters and the College for Officer Training at Crestmont sent a daily video of encouragement and promise of prayer to officers in the field via email.  

“We want you to know that we are going to be praying for you this Christmas,” said Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries Colonel Colleen Riley, whose video message kicked off the video campaign. “So each day, from December 1-24, you’ll receive a short video from one of us here, just letting you know that we’re thinking of you, we’re praying for you, particularly in specific areas, and today we want you to know that we’re praying for your overall Christmas efforts.”

In case you missed the messages, we’ve compiled them for you here:


Dec. 1: Colonel Colleen Riley

“Today we just want you to know that we’re praying for your overall Christmas efforts. We pray that God will bless you. That he will give you the funds that you need so that you can serve those in the most need this year.”


Dec. 2: Territorial Director for Youth Ministries Jim Sparks

“We’re praying for you. We’re praying for your families, and more specifically, the territorial youth department will be praying for your kids.”


Dec. 4: Director of Education Major Stacy Cross

“Thank you for being salt to people who have lost their taste for what is holy and pure and true. Thank you for being light to souls who are just shadows of what God created them to be today.”


Dec. 5: Assistant Chief Secretary Lt. Col. Vic Doughty

“Today we focus our thoughts and prayers on those who come to us for help during the holidays. We pray that their physical needs would be met and their emotional and spiritual needs as well.”


Dec. 6: Territorial Secretary for Strategic Leadership Planning Lt. Col. Marcia Smith 

“My prayer for you is that you find real joy in serving the men, women and children with food and gifts this Christmas season. Not only, though, this Christmas season, but year-round.”


Dec. 7: Chief Secretary Colonel Doug Riley

“We’ll be praying for you. For that opportunity: to share that Gospel message with all of these people you come in contact with this Christmas.”


Dec. 8: Territorial Secretary for Program Lt. Colonel Lisa Smith 

“We just wanted to let you know we’re praying for you, and I’m praying for you in some specific ways. I am hoping and praying that you will have a chance to take your shoes off during this Christmas season.”


Dec. 9: Family Care Director Captain Joy Groenleer

“We commit to praying for officers’ children in the territory. Our prayer is that they would embrace the hope and beauty of this busy Christmas season. We pray that they would know that they are loved.”


Dec. 10: Territorial Commander Commissioner Kenneth G. Hodder

“I’m praying for you. Keep up the great work, and remember: Do your best and leave the rest.”


Dec. 11: Director of Field Training Major Nancy Helms

“I pray that you would experience that peace. That peace that scripture tells us passes all our understanding, and then that would be your experience, and that you would rest in the love and peace of Jesus this season.”


Dec. 12: Assistant Secretary for Program Martin Hunt

“I want to say thank you for all the work you’re doing for the kettles. For reaching out to the community. For loving the unloved.”


Dec. 13: Territorial Director of Special Needs Ministries Captain Christina Arnold 

“I pray that your strength penetrates our bodies, God, may all the officers who are working so diligently and along with the volunteers and the employees–may they have the strength and the health to endure the season.”


Dec. 14: Territorial Secretary for Communications Lt. Colonel Kyle Smith

“Lord, right now I just want to think of everybody out there that’s working so hard to serve you, and to share your love with people around them. I pray you’d bless them today and just use them to speak truth and love into people’s lives.”


Dec. 15: Colonels Edward and Shelley Hill

“We want to wish you a very Merry Christmas, and may the love of the Lord surround you and your family during this special time of year.”


Dec. 16: Territorial Secretary for Personnel Lt. Colonel Steve Smith

“Today specifically I’d like to tell you that I’m praying for your health, both physical and spiritual.”


Dec. 17: Editor in Chief & Literary Secretary Christin Thieme

“Today I want to pray that the community responds to that effort we know ultimately that comes down to love.”


Dec. 18: Assistant Secretary for Personnel Lt. Colonel Sheryl Tollerud

“In the midst of this busy, bustling season, don’t forget to take time for your family…Plan it just like you would any other event and put it on your calendar and get somebody to cover responsibility, because during this time you want to make sure your family knows they are very important.” 


Dec. 19: College for Officer Training Director of Personnel Major Rubina Navarro 

“You are in a very, very busy season and I know you’re growing weary and tired, but he has got you there where he needs you in the community, in the corps, in the congregation and he divinely appointed you to be there. I want to pray for you to be in God’s presence because he has others for you to reach.” 


Dec. 20: Territorial Music Secretary Neil Smith 

“It’s a great time for Salvation Army musicians to get out and about in the community and be seen and share some good music and you never know through the music that is shared, people may come to know Christ closer or in their lives for the very first time.” 


Dec. 21: Executive Assistant to the Territorial Commander Captain Stephanie Dennis

“I’m specifically praying today for you and your ministry of interruptions. You know what I’m talking about—those interactions with people that are unscheduled and perhaps even at times unwelcomed. This time of year it seems as though they multiply; perhaps that’s because there’s so much to do and we’re so busy.  I’m reminded that Jesus’ ministry was filled with interruptions, but through those interruptions, we read that broken lives were healed and transformed.”


Dec. 22: Territorial Candidates’ and Recruitment Secretary Captain Joanne Louangamath 

“Today, we want to specifically uphold your soldiers in prayer, many of whom will come alongside you to fight for good.” 


Dec. 23: Territorial President of Women’s Ministries Commissioner Jolene K. Hodder 

“I pray, dear Heavenly Father, that whatever happens this Christmas season, that my brothers and sisters out there working on the front lines will know that you are with them—that you are lifting them up.”


Dec. 24: Territorial Secretary for Business Administration Lt. Colonel Doug Tollerud

“Lord, as we go about our business in the community this day, we ask that joy will be apparent in our lives so that others may see Christ which will glorify you.”


Dec. 25: Assistant Training Principal Major Nigel Cross

“The Prince of Peace, he is the one who brings blessings and he will even bring peace in your busyness today, so love him, trust him and also know that we love you and we’re supporting you too.”

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administration and staff send daily encouragement to officers of the west. from dec.1 until christmas, members of territorial headquarters and the college for officer training at crestmont sent a daily video of encouragement and promise of prayer to officers in the field via email. “we want you to know that we are going to be praying for you this christmas,” said territorial secretary for women’s ministries colonel colleen riley, whose video message kicked off the video campaign. “so each day, from december 1-24, you’ll receive a short video from one of us here, just letting you know that we’re thinking of you, we’re praying for you, particularly in specific areas, and today we want you to know that we’re praying for your overall christmas efforts.”. in case you missed the messages, we’ve compiled them for you here:. dec. 1: colonel colleen riley. “today we just want you to know that we’re praying for your overall christmas efforts. we pray that god will bless you. that he will give you the funds that you need so that you can serve those in the most need this year.”. dec. 2: territorial director for youth ministries jim sparks. “we’re praying for you. we’re praying for your families, and more specifically, the territorial youth department will be praying for your kids.”. dec. 4: director of education major stacy cross. “thank you for being salt to people who have lost their taste for what is holy and pure and true. thank you for being light to souls who are just shadows of what god created them to be today.”. dec. 5: assistant chief secretary lt. col. vic doughty. “today we focus our thoughts and prayers on those who come to us for help during the holidays. we pray that their physical needs would be met and their emotional and spiritual needs as well.”. dec. 6: territorial secretary for strategic leadership planning lt. col. marcia smith. “my prayer for you is that you find real joy in serving the men, women and children with food and gifts this christmas season. not only, though, this christmas season, but year-round.”. dec. 7: chief secretary colonel doug riley. “we’ll be praying for you. for that opportunity: to share that gospel message with all of these people you come in contact with this christmas.”. dec. 8: territorial secretary for program lt. colonel lisa smith. “we just wanted to let you know we’re praying for you, and i’m praying for you in some specific ways. i am hoping and praying that you will have a chance to take your shoes off during this christmas season.”. dec. 9: family care director captain joy groenleer. “we commit to praying for officers’ children in the territory. our prayer is that they would embrace the hope and beauty of this busy christmas season. we pray that they would know that they are loved.”. dec. 10: territorial commander commissioner kenneth g. hodder. “i’m praying for you. keep up the great work, and remember: do your best and leave the rest.”. dec. 11: director of field training major nancy helms. “i pray that you would experience that peace. that peace that scripture tells us passes all our understanding, and then that would be your experience, and that you would rest in the love and peace of jesus this season.”. dec. 12: assistant secretary for program martin hunt. “i want to say thank you for all the work you’re doing for the kettles. for reaching out to the community. for loving the unloved.”. dec. 13: territorial director of special needs ministries captain christina arnold. “i pray that your strength penetrates our bodies, god, may all the officers who are working so diligently and along with the volunteers and the employees–may they have the strength and the health to endure the season.”. dec. 14: territorial secretary for communications lt. colonel kyle smith. “lord, right now i just want to think of everybody out there that’s working so hard to serve you, and to share your love with people around them. i pray you’d bless them today and just use them to speak truth and love into people’s lives.”. dec. 15: colonels edward and shelley hill. “we want to wish you a very merry christmas, and may the love of the lord surround you and your family during this special time of year.”. dec. 16: territorial secretary for personnel lt. colonel steve smith. “today specifically i’d like to tell you that i’m praying for your health, both physical and spiritual.”. dec. 17: editor in chief literary secretary christin thieme. “today i want to pray that the community responds to that effort we know ultimately that comes down to love.”. dec. 18: assistant secretary for personnel lt. colonel sheryl tollerud. “in the midst of this busy, bustling season, don’t forget to take time for your family…plan it just like you would any other event and put it on your calendar and get somebody to cover responsibility, because during this time you want to make sure your family knows they are very important.”. dec. 19: college for officer training director of personnel major rubina navarro. “you are in a very, very busy season and i know you’re growing weary and tired, but he has got you there where he needs you in the community, in the corps, in the congregation and he divinely appointed you to be there. i want to pray for you to be in god’s presence because he has others for you to reach.”. dec. 20: territorial music secretary neil smith. “it’s a great time for salvation army musicians to get out and about in the community and be seen and share some good music and you never know through the music that is shared, people may come to know christ closer or in their lives for the very first time.”. dec. 21: executive assistant to the territorial commander captain stephanie dennis. “i’m specifically praying today for you and your ministry of interruptions. you know what i’m talking about—those interactions with people that are unscheduled and perhaps even at times unwelcomed. this time of year it seems as though they multiply; perhaps that’s because there’s so much to do and we’re so busy. i’m reminded that jesus’ ministry was filled with interruptions, but through those interruptions, we read that broken lives were healed and transformed.”. dec. 22: territorial candidates’ and recruitment secretary captain joanne louangamath. “today, we want to specifically uphold your soldiers in prayer, many of whom will come alongside you to fight for good.”. dec. 23: territorial president of women’s ministries commissioner jolene k. hodder. “i pray, dear heavenly father, that whatever happens this christmas season, that my brothers and sisters out there working on the front lines will know that you are with them—that you are lifting them up.”. dec. 24: territorial secretary for business administration lt. colonel doug tollerud. “lord, as we go about our business in the community this day, we ask that joy will be apparent in our lives so that others may see christ which will glorify you.”. dec. 25: assistant training principal major nigel cross. “the prince of peace, he is the one who brings blessings and he will even bring peace in your busyness today, so love him, trust him and also know that we love you and we’re supporting you too.”.
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