Pomona Corps, Temple enroll soldiers, dedicate outpost

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We will boldly seek the lost, making disciples and striving to enlist soldiers who publicly commit to radical obedience to Christ.
Cathedral City
MEMBERS OF THE Pomona, Calif. corps and Pomona Temple Outpost attended a special joint worship service in which 34 senior and junior soldiers were enrolled and Pomona Temple Outpost was dedicated.

More than 170 attended a joint worship service of the Pomona Corps and Pomona Temple Outpost.

“There was a great fellowship as songs, prayers, Scripture reading and enrollments took place in both English and Spanish,” said Pomona Corps Officer Captain John Tolar. “It was a joyous celebration of unity in Christ.”

Captains John and Gloria Tolar enrolled four senior and four junior soldiers. Envoys Antonio and Julia Carmona, leaders of the Pomona Temple Outpost, enrolled 12 senior soldiers. Flag bearers were Corps Sergeant Major Cathy Hill and Acting Corps Sergeant Major Maria Avelar.

The congregations celebrated the enrollment of 23 senior and 11 junior soldiers during the past year.

There was also a dedication of the new Pomona Temple Outpost. After her parents were enrolled, a baby dedication took place for Samantha Espinosa.

Newly enrolled senior soldiers are: Chuck West, Lilian Martinez, Guillermo Duenas, Alonzo Quintero, Bibiana Quintero, Maria Ines Estrada, Tammie West, Guillermina Villa, Isabel Magdaleno, Lorraine Espinosa, Debbie Bruce, Frederico Lopez, Irene Lopez, Linda Nelson, and Angel Lopez.

New junior soldiers are: Melissa West, Samantha West, Dawn West and Joshua West.

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