Pasadena Tabernacle Songsters bid bon voyage

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Amazing Grace tour begins on June 10

To kick off their eighth overseas tour in the past 25 years, the Pasadena Tabernacle Songsters, led by Songster Leader Martin Hunt, will present an “Amazing Grace” concert on June 10—during Commissioning weekend—at the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts.

Sixty voices, including 13 soloists, from ages 14-75 will portray God’s grace—evident in his act of creation, willingness to give us free choice, and the ultimate sacrifice of his son—in varying musical styles, drama and spoken word. Several songs feature additional brass elements, percussion, powerful evocative video presentations and choreography by Deputy Songster Leader Barbara Allen.

The concert will peak with a challenge to allow the chains that bind us to be broken free, so that we can live in God’s amazing grace.

At the end of the evening, Commissioner James Knaggs will pray a blessing on the ministry of the Tab Songsters as they depart for a musical tour of Australia and New Zealand immediately following Commissioning weekend. The group will visit the following cities between June 15-26:


Brisbane City Temple Corps

Satfford Corps

Carindale Corps

Sydney Congress Hall


New Zealand

Wellington City Temple

Taupo Corps

Tauranga Corps

Whangarei Corps

For more information, visit


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