LT. COLONEL HELEN Starrett, ARCC director of Special Services, prepares to lead a prayer for Pasadena ARC graduates, including the center’s first group of female graduates. |
During a recent Sunday chapel service, staff and officers from the Pasadena Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC) recognized the first women graduates from center’s new Oakcrest facility, which opened earlier this year to expand the Pasadena ARC’s services to include help for women in recovery.
Four male graduates from the center were also acknowledged for successfully completing the six-month ARC program.
The ARC chapel was filled to capacity with friends and family members of the eight graduates, Pasadena ARC Advisory Council members, and many former Pasadena ARC graduates. Song, prayer, scripture readings, testimonies from the new graduates, and a special Christmas message from Lt. Colonel Daniel Starrett, the ARC Commander for the Western Territory, marked the celebration.
The new graduates shared testimonies about their renewed faith and trust in God, restored family relationships, and the ability to make better life choices through participating in the ARC program.