New Year Signals Territorial, Divisional Changes

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With the approval of the Territorial Commander, Commissioner Peter H. Chang, the following changes of appointment are announced to be effective January 29, 1997, unless otherwise stated:


Captain Jeffrey Dennis Territorial Auditor
Major Katherine Wood Secretary for Business Admin.- ARCC
Major Kenneth Gibson Administrator – Sacramento ARC
(effective 2/01/97)
Major Betty Gibson Director of Special Services –
Sacramento ARC (effective 2/01/97)
Majors Robert & Betty Johnson Corps Officers – Anaheim ARC
A/Captain Barbara Sloan Corps Officer – Canoga Park ARC
Major Joe Viola (R) Administrator (Pro-Tem) – Perris ARC
Lieutenant Londa Upshaw To open Klawock Outpost
Lieutenant Shevaun Malone Corps Officer – Haines
Lieutenant Bobbie Starling Assistant Corps Officer – Haines
Lieutenant Hank Derka Assistant Corps Officer – Fairbanks
Lieutenant Keith Solts Assistant Corps Officer – Juneau
Captains Keith & Linda Bottjen Corps Officers – Beaverton, OR
Lieutenants Kevin & Tina Hanson Corps Officers – Springfield, OR
Captain Timothy Foley Div. Youth & Candidates’ Secretary
Captain Cynthia Foley Divisional Guard & Sunbeam Director,
Corps Cadet & Junior Soldier Counselor
Major Bruce Jones Divisional Financial Secretary
Major Diana Jones Div. Women’s Ministries Secretary
Captains Ed & Joyce Loomis Corps Officers – Mesa, AZ
Captains William & Beverly Cobb Additional Responsibility: Open
Kingman, AZ Outpost
Captains Joshua & Yong Choe Open Korean Outpost – Phoenix, AZ
Lieutenants Brian & Iva West Associate Corps Officers –
Bullhead/Laughlin, AZ
Majors Les & Lois Brooks (R) Corps Officers (Pro-Tem) – Clovis, NM
David & Audrey Mynott In-Charge – North Phoenix, AZ
Lieutenants Jack & Lucinda Bowen Assistant Officers – Riverside, CA with
responsibility for Corona Outpost
Envoy Randy Clarke In-Charge – Santee, CA
Majors Bruce & Diane Jones From U.S.A. Central Territory
Captains Joshua & Yong Choe From U.S.A. Southern Territory
Majors Ken & Dorothy Osbourn January 31, 1997

Please join me in offering prayer support to these officers and their family during these days of change and adjustment.


Colonel Bill D. Luttrell

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new year signals territorial, divisional changes. with the approval of the territorial commander, commissioner peter h. chang, the following changes of appointment are announced to be effective january 29, 1997, unless otherwise stated:. territorial headquarters captain jeffrey dennis territorial auditor arc command major katherine wood secretary for business admin.- arcc major kenneth gibson administrator – sacramento arc (effective 2/01/97) major betty gibson director of special services – sacramento arc (effective 2/01/97) majors robert betty johnson corps officers – anaheim arc a/captain barbara sloan corps officer – canoga park arc major joe viola (r) administrator (pro-tem) – perris arc alaska division lieutenant londa upshaw to open klawock outpost lieutenant shevaun malone corps officer – haines lieutenant bobbie starling assistant corps officer – haines lieutenant hank derka assistant corps officer – fairbanks lieutenant keith solts assistant corps officer – juneau cascade division captains keith linda bottjen corps officers – beaverton, or lieutenants kevin tina hanson corps officers – springfield, or golden state division captain timothy foley div. youth candidates’ secretary captain cynthia foley divisional guard sunbeam director, corps cadet junior soldier counselor southern calif. division major bruce jones divisional financial secretary major diana jones div. women’s ministries secretary southwest division captains ed joyce loomis corps officers – mesa, az captains william beverly cobb additional responsibility: open kingman, az outpost captains joshua yong choe open korean outpost – phoenix, az lieutenants brian iva west associate corps officers – bullhead/laughlin, az majors les lois brooks (r) corps officers (pro-tem) – clovis, nm david audrey mynott in-charge – north phoenix, az sierra del mar division lieutenants jack lucinda bowen assistant officers – riverside, ca with responsibility for corona outpost envoy randy clarke in-charge – santee, ca transfer into territory majors bruce diane jones from u.s.a. central territory captains joshua yong choe from u.s.a. southern territory retirement majors ken dorothy osbourn january 31, 1997 please join me in offering prayer support to these officers and their family during these days of change and adjustment. colonel bill d. luttrell secretary for personnel.
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