New life at the Santa Clara Corps

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The Salvation Army in Santa Clara, Calif., has experienced some natural growth! Majors Richard and Tammy Larson recently took a photo of their five newest members and their families. (L-r) Raul and Nicole Torralba with Lylah Blue, Major Richard Larson (back), Erin and Terry Knickerbocker with Ian Daniel, Nu and Kenny Knickerbocker with Syleigh Hope (Kenny is holding Ian’s big sister Kaila), Brittney and Zack Stevenson with Hayley Grace, Regina and Rico Lopez with Percilla Isabel and Major Tammy Larson.

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new life at the santa clara corps. the salvation army in santa clara, calif., has experienced some natural growth! majors richard and tammy larson recently took a photo of their five newest members and their families. (l-r) raul and nicole torralba with lylah blue, major richard larson (back), erin and terry knickerbocker with ian daniel, nu and kenny knickerbocker with syleigh hope (kenny is holding ian’s big sister kaila), brittney and zack stevenson with hayley grace, regina and rico lopez with percilla isabel and major tammy larson.
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