New Executive Order to combat modern slavery

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In late September, President Barack Obama revealed a new Executive Order with more tools to fight trafficking, and specifically applauded the role of faith groups like International Justice Mission, Passion, the Catholic Church, World Relief and others in this fight.

The President said to faith-based organizations: “Like that Good Samaritan on the road to Jericho, we can’t just pass by, indifferent…we’ve got to be moved by compassion. We’ve got to bind up the wounds.

“This coming year, my Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships will make the fight against human trafficking a focus of its work,” Obama said.

That work is already underway. On Sept. 27, Joshua DuBois, executive director for the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships, joined senior administration officials, faith-based leaders and other anti-trafficking NGO’s in a live web chat about the administration’s anti-trafficking strategy and efforts.

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new executive order to combat modern slavery. in late september, president barack obama revealed a new executive order with more tools to fight trafficking, and specifically applauded the role of faith groups like international justice mission, passion, the catholic church, world relief and others in this fight. the president said to faith-based organizations: “like that good samaritan on the road to jericho, we can’t just pass by, indifferent…we’ve got to be moved by compassion. we’ve got to bind up the wounds. “this coming year, my office of faith-based and neighborhood partnerships will make the fight against human trafficking a focus of its work,” obama said. that work is already underway. on sept. 27, joshua dubois, executive director for the white house office of faith-based and neighborhood partnerships, joined senior administration officials, faith-based leaders and other anti-trafficking ngo’s in a live web chat about the administration’s anti-trafficking strategy and efforts.
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