Music Echoes Through the Malibu Mountains

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by William B. Flinn – 

The Malibu mountains were recently filled with the wonderful sounds made by the Southern California Divisional School of Music. Bandmaster Chris Mallett and Faye Mallett brought together a diverse staff to lead these young musicians into a week of spiritual, social and musical growth.

Conducted at the beautiful Mountain Crags Camp, 120 took part in four bands, five choruses and five timbrel groups. Evening programs were a special treat, with a midweek festival and junior and senior soloist nights with a total of 43 participating.

The final evening, led by Lt. Colonels Alfred and Sherryl Van Cleef was, from the program opening to the grand finale, a demonstration of the remarkable standard of musicianship that showed the keen interest in music making by these young people.

Award winners were: Senior Outstanding Musician–Robbie Gregg, Pasadena Tabernacle Corps; Junior Outstanding Musician–Sarah Stillson, Pasadena Tabernacle Corps; Senior Honor Camper–Lauren Bristow and Christopher Wikle, both of the Tustin Ranch Corps; Junior Honor Camper–Jennifer Lescano, Tustin Ranch Corps; Evelyn Stickland, Tustin Ranch Corps; and Daniel Tollerud, Torrance Corps.

Senior Soloist awards went to: Justina Stickland, Chris Wikle, and Lauren Bristow, all of the Tustin Ranch Corps.

Junior Soloist awards went to: Evelyn Stickland, Tustin Ranch Corps; Sarah Stillson and Meredith Flinn, Pasadena Tabernacle Corps.

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music echoes through the malibu mountains. by william b. flinn –. the malibu mountains were recently filled with the wonderful sounds made by the southern california divisional school of music. bandmaster chris mallett and faye mallett brought together a diverse staff to lead these young musicians into a week of spiritual, social and musical growth. conducted at the beautiful mountain crags camp, 120 took part in four bands, five choruses and five timbrel groups. evening programs were a special treat, with a midweek festival and junior and senior soloist nights with a total of 43 participating. the final evening, led by lt. colonels alfred and sherryl van cleef was, from the program opening to the grand finale, a demonstration of the remarkable standard of musicianship that showed the keen interest in music making by these young people. award winners were: senior outstanding musician–robbie gregg, pasadena tabernacle corps; junior outstanding musician–sarah stillson, pasadena tabernacle corps; senior honor camper–lauren bristow and christopher wikle, both of the tustin ranch corps; junior honor camper–jennifer lescano, tustin ranch corps; evelyn stickland, tustin ranch corps; and daniel tollerud, torrance corps. senior soloist awards went to: justina stickland, chris wikle, and lauren bristow, all of the tustin ranch corps. junior soloist awards went to: evelyn stickland, tustin ranch corps; sarah stillson and meredith flinn, pasadena tabernacle corps.
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