Motivated to give

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JEWELA CAMPOS OF the Territorial Youth Department gives blood at the blood drive held at Territorial Headquarters in Long Beach, CA


Timing was everything on Wednesday, September 12, when a blood drive was held on site at Western THQ.

Originally scheduled in June, the Prentiss Properties/

American Red Cross blood drive was postponed until September 12. After the tragedies of September 11, the turnout for the building was unprecedented.

Prentiss Properties, who manages the building, hosts two to three blood drives a year. Donors are welcomed from all tenants, including The Salvation Army, United Health Care, Morgan Stanley and Kern Oil, as well as vendors who service these companies. Thanks to recruiting efforts, the donor schedule was full by Friday, Sept. 7, with 80 people.

After last Tuesday’s tragedies, more calls came from those wishing to donate, and many others walked in during the drive.

A total of 98 people participated: From The Salvation Army, 38; United Health Care, 36; Morgan Stanley, 15; Kern Oil, 2; vendors, 7. The Red Cross collected 74 pints of blood.

Those waiting to give blood said that they were strongly motivated by Tuesday’s events, and saw this as a way to help and show support for victims of the tragedy. From the Army, both officers and employees donated blood.

Salvation Army employee Gina Creaven, who was already signed up but would have walked in to avoid lines at other Red Cross locations, said: “From 3,000 miles away, what can you do?”

The answer at THQ: Give blood.

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