Morelocks Share Blessings At Seattle ARC Chapel

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Northwest Division


By Frank Henderson –

Rich blessings and inspiration were shared in the Seattle ARC chapel when Territorial Evangelists Lt. Colonels Mervyn and Shirley Morelock visited recently.

Spirits were joyful as special music was shared by the Tacoma “ARC Angels,” and testimonials by individuals from both centers proclaimed how their lives had been changed since accepting Jesus Christ and experiencing God’s love shown through The Salvation Army.

Following Lt. Colonel Mervyn Morelock’s message, many vows were made and renewed as the Holy Spirit drew men to the altar for individual prayer.

Captains Barry and Eunice Lucas, Seattle ARC administrators, and Majors John and Jane Horgen, assistants to Seattle ARC administrators, hosted the chapel, and were joined by Assoc. Administrators Captains Jonathan and Janet Knapp of the Tacoma ARC. All the beneficiaries from both centers were present. Afterwards, a brunch was enjoyed by all.

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morelocks share blessings at seattle arc chapel. northwest division. by frank henderson –. rich blessings and inspiration were shared in the seattle arc chapel when territorial evangelists lt. colonels mervyn and shirley morelock visited recently. spirits were joyful as special music was shared by the tacoma “arc angels,” and testimonials by individuals from both centers proclaimed how their lives had been changed since accepting jesus christ and experiencing god’s love shown through the salvation army. following lt. colonel mervyn morelock’s message, many vows were made and renewed as the holy spirit drew men to the altar for individual prayer. captains barry and eunice lucas, seattle arc administrators, and majors john and jane horgen, assistants to seattle arc administrators, hosted the chapel, and were joined by assoc. administrators captains jonathan and janet knapp of the tacoma arc. all the beneficiaries from both centers were present. afterwards, a brunch was enjoyed by all.
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