Modesto service clubs build medical clinic

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The locals are calling it a first. And a wonderful example of what four service clubs can accomplish if they work together for the good of others.

The Modesto, California Rotarians, Lions, Kiwanians and Soroptimists pooled their resources and talents on a single project for homeless people; building a free health clinic on the site of The Salvation Army’s winter shelter.

The clinic will tackle several of the most persistent health challenges suffered by the men and women who call our streets home.

They’ll provide basic first aid and medical treatment, dental and women’s health care, as well as eye exams and glasses.

Each service club will be responsible for managing specific areas of the clinic which will staffed by volunteer medical professionals.

Here’s how the division of labor breaks out:

• The Rotary Club is taking care of the dental room.

• The Lions Club is in charge of the eye clinic.

• The Kiwanis Club has responsibility for the medical services.

• The Soroptimist Club will oversee the women’s care.


The clinic has already begun to provide eye exams for the 40 men and women who are living in the shelter’s transitional living program. By the start of the winter season in November, the rest of the clinic will be open and ready for service.

Major Darvin Carpenter is our local Salvation Army officer in Modesto. He’s served with us for 40 years in more than a dozen communities in Australia and five US states. But, he says that he’s never seen the level of generosity and willingness to help that the residents of Modesto have demonstrated by building this clinic.


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