Messengers of the Kingdom share love of The Salvation Army

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The cadets of the Messengers of the Kingdom Session (2018-2020) from the College for Officer Training at Crestmont are set to be commissioned as Salvation Army officers June 14. Get to know the cadets and hear what each had to say on what they love most about The Salvation Army.

Cadet Paul Chisholm 

“The thing that I love most about The Salvation Army is that they help others with no discrimination. When I was at the lowest point in my life, when my addiction had taken everything from me, The Salvation Army welcomed me into the Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC) program and introduced me to Christ. It is their view of ‘Heart to God, Hand to Man’ that was shown to me in my life. I love that I get to be part of an organization that is Christ-centered and looking to show the love of Christ to the community they are part of. I love that Christ is the center of The Salvation Army and that their goal is to win souls for Christ by serving human needs.”

Cadet Ashley Cunningham

“What I love about The Salvation Army is the sense of family you feel as you enter the doors. That no matter if it is your first time or your thousandth time, you feel welcomed and loved. This sense of family found at The Salvation Army will be with you in the good, bad and ugly without judgment (hopefully), which comes from the overflowing love that God has shown his people.”

Cadet Andrea Finch

“I love being a part of an international holiness movement. I love that The Salvation Army’s 11 doctrines state what we believe and that they are all based upon the holy Word of God. I love that here we are serving suffering humanity across the globe, without discrimination, in the name of Jesus. As a Salvationist, we can walk into any corps around the world and be welcomed as family. The saying ‘we are all in this together’ has never rung so true as it does today. One Army, one mission, one message, one Savior and Lord of all! I spent a great deal of my life, in the past, in a lifestyle that did not glorify the Lord and always left me feeling regret and sorrow; until one fine day when God led me to the Army in 2013. I recommitted my life to Christ’s care and control, and I knew I had finally found what I was searching for. We have God, music, fellowship, helping others, everything I love, rolled into one great family of God. I’m thankful every day for this opportunity to share the hope and the joy I have found in my love of our mighty and great Salvation Army!”

Cadet Samantha Hascall

“What I love about The Salvation Army is the way we show the love and compassion of Christ to all who come to us in need. It doesn’t matter how great or small the need—food, clothing, shelter, guidance or just a listening ear—The Salvation Army respects all and loves all just as Jesus Christ does. It truly is sharing the existence and hope of God with all and everything we do.”

Cadet Ezequiel Hernandez

“What I love about the Army is that we get to show God’s love and compassion in many different ways. We are blessed to have a variety of programs and resources that help us bring God’s Word of hope and encouragement to those in need. We are Jesus’s hands and feet serving the community.”

Cadet Katherine Hernandez

“What I love about The Salvation Army is that it is an organization that goes outside their four walls to meet the needs of individuals in Christ’s name. The desire, passion and love to help the broken, the vulnerable, the unwanted and everyone in between, is embedded in everything The Salvation Army does. I love that by sharing a smile, praying for someone, giving out a food box, serving a meal, shaking a hand, giving a hug and much more, The Salvation Army is able to bring joy and hope to everyone they encounter. Lastly, what I love about The Salvation Army is that I have the privilege of being part of this wonderful organization that tries to do the most good, while being the hands and feet of Jesus in every community it is established in.”

Cadet Amy Lewis

“What I love about The Salvation Army is that it is a place that provides the opportunity for lives to be changed. For example, my son and I found The Salvation Army through the youth basketball team, and it has led me here today, ready to be commissioned as an officer. I have seen lives and families restored through the Adult Rehabilitation Centers. There are various ways that The Salvation Army reaches out to individuals in a community without discrimination—all of which is based on what is needed and centered on the belief in the redemptive power of Jesus Christ.”

Cadet Henry Oliveira

“What I like about The Salvation Army is that we show the love of Christ and show no discrimination in doing so. You have a need? We’ll come beside you to help you with that need. It doesn’t matter the situation—paying a power bill, needing food for the week, needing shelter from a stormy night or a safe place away from an abusive relationship—The Salvation Army is there to help. And in every act are the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.”

Cadet Betty Vesikula

“God is love. He is the epitome of love. The Salvation Army’s mission statement says that its ministry is motivated by this very character of God—his love. Not only have I had the blessed privilege of serving others, loving those that are forgotten and caring for their needs; I myself have been showered with God’s love in so many ways by my leaders, friends and session mates. When I needed support, clarity and a shoulder to cry on because I couldn’t see God working in the midst of my circumstances, The Salvation Army was right there—walking alongside me every step of the way. That is Christ’s love in action. And now I get to live my life, loving and serving others in the name of Jesus just as The Salvation Army did for me.” 

Cadet Ratu Vesikula

“It is because of the mission: To preach the Word of God and meet human need without discrimination. God worked through The Salvation Army to rescue my family from the rubbish dump where we were living for about a year. We had lost everything due to a hurricane disaster, but The Salvation Army picked us up from where we were and gave us a roof over our head. This is why I love the Army…We are God’s Army. We are the hands and feet of Jesus to the people that are in need. We love people regardless!” 

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