Make your plans for Mobilize 2017 Commissioning weekend

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June 2–4 at the Long Beach Convention Center  
Territorial leaders Commissioners Kenneth G. and Jolene K. Hodder are summoning the troops of the Western Territory to the Mobilize 2017 Commissioning weekend in Long Beach, California, June 2-4, with international leaders General André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox, World President of Women’s Ministries. Packed with motivational preaching, refreshing worship, opportunities to delve into the Word of God and more, the weekend will culminate with commissioning celebrations for the Joyful Intercessors session of cadets.
Here is a look at the events to come:
Friday, June 2
Commencement will take place at the College for Officer Training at Crestmont, with Commissioner Silvia Cox delivering the commencement address. The first main session of Mobilize 2017 will follow that evening in the Long Beach Performing Arts Center, featuring dramatic and inspirational music, visual arts and testimony, and a message from the General.
Saturday, June 3
Join in an early morning 5K walk/run with the Territorial Commander along the Long Beach shoreline before the breakfast events:

  • Women’s Ministries Breakfast – Ocean of Love (age 14+)

The hymn “Oh, Boundless Salvation”—a simple, yet profound metaphor of the ocean—has become a powerful image of God’s’ limitless love for all people.
O boundless salvation! deep ocean of love,
O fullness of mercy, Christ brought from above.
The whole world redeeming, so rich and so free,
Now flowing for all men, come, roll over me!
We will never know the power and depth of God’s love until we allow the waters to roll over us, sweep us away, cleansing us, refreshing us, and filling us with his mighty power. Deep calls to deep in the roar of all your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me (Ps. 42:7). Only then will we be compelled and equipped to share his all-encompassing love with others.
Women of the Western Territory will gather together for breakfast—to celebrate this “Deep Ocean of Love.” Commissioner Silvia Cox will offer a devotional message and women serving as Salvation Army missionaries will share stories of the great ocean of love experienced around the world.  

  • Men’s Ministries Breakfast – Fishers of Men (age 14+)

The Western Territory’s men will join for breakfast, singing and testimony, and a challenge from General André Cox. Commissioner Kenneth G. Hodder will present the 2016 Man of the Year Awards, which are being presented to one man from each division in recognition of those who lead at home, at church, at work and in their community. Each recipient was nominated by their home corps, with the endorsement of their corps/ARC officer and the Corps Council.
It will be a time of encouraging attendees to be men of the faith we profess in Jesus Christ.

  • Jr. Soldier Breakfast and Rally (ages 7–13)

Young people are invited to gather and experience a taste of the new junior soldier curriculum. Attendees will learn about what it means to be a junior soldier and how to live out a life of faith.
Following breakfast, attendees can join in the 2017 Encore Competition and the Bible Bowl finals. “Anchor Deep” Bible studies will be led by Cotton Presley from the Southern Territory, and Spanish and Korean Bible studies will also be offered.
A “Call to Arms” exhibit hall will be open throughout the day, designed as a place for fellowship, food and preparation for battle. Presentations on being equipped for ministry will include youth ministry, social justice, working with homelessness, and how to study the Bible. Tradewest will be onsite to provide the tools needed for mobilization, and lunch will be provided for all delegates.
The evening meeting will feature a new musical by Commissioner Keith Banks, Karl Larsson and Kevin Larsson, followed by a message from Commissioner Kenneth G. Hodder.
Sunday, June 4
The day will begin with the launch of the new Orange Sunday School curriculum in classes for all children and adults.
Following the morning Commissioning and Ordination service, lunch will be provided for delegates before the afternoon Service of Appointments.
Throughout the weekend, age-appropriate activities for those 0–17 will be offered by the Territorial Youth Department. All youth must be registered in advance and will automatically qualify for relevant activities.
See the full schedule on page 16, and register today for all events and lodging at

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