“Major Dave made us do this, but I had fun anyway.”

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About 30 Salvationists, including officers, soldiers, junior soldiers, employees and friends, took part in the Great Aloha Run, held annually on President’s Day on the island of O’ahu. Over 20,000 people participated. Pictured (left to right) front: Major Jeff Martin, Major Eloisa Martin, Hannah Navarro, Jodianne Mulch, Abigail Navarro, Captain Neil Navarro, Elizabeth Navarro. Middle: Major Sharron Hudson, Major Jonnette Mulch, Jennie Ing, Sarah Sloan, Major Dave Hudson, Chad Limasa. Back: Jean Raasch, Captain Rubina Navarro, Envoy Jan Young, Theresa Simmons, Janniese Mulch, Major Randy Mulch.

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“major dave made us do this, but i had fun anyway.”. about 30 salvationists, including officers, soldiers, junior soldiers, employees and friends, took part in the great aloha run, held annually on president’s day on the island of o’ahu. over 20,000 people participated. pictured (left to right) front: major jeff martin, major eloisa martin, hannah navarro, jodianne mulch, abigail navarro, captain neil navarro, elizabeth navarro. middle: major sharron hudson, major jonnette mulch, jennie ing, sarah sloan, major dave hudson, chad limasa. back: jean raasch, captain rubina navarro, envoy jan young, theresa simmons, janniese mulch, major randy mulch. printer-friendly version. back to archive index. archived issues
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