by Kyle Smith, Captain
LIVE ‘O4—What is it?
It is a creative arts ministry concert to celebrate the diversity and talent of the teenagers and young adults of our territory. This idea was birthed, not in the minds of the staff at THQ, but in the minds of some teenagers in Hawaii who, after attending a territorial singing company competition, wanted to know why the territory did not have a festival to celebrate contemporary Christian music and arts for young adults.
We are pleased to report that Tersy Matto and her friends do not have to wonder any more.
Right now we are looking for either groups or individuals of young adult age from around the territory to share their God-given talent in ministry at Commissioning ‘04. We anticipate a wide range of performances from praise bands to Gospel choirs, sacred dance to devotion in motion, rappers to drama, Christian rock bands to contemporary brass bands, Spanish salsa to Laotian dancing.
The territory needs to see what young adults are doing in their corps; we need to be encouraged as we experience and share in some of the awesome ministries taking place on the local level. LIVE ‘04 will not only be an inspiring and encouraging worship event, but can also provide ministry ideas for other young adults across the territory.
If you are a soloist or part of a corps-based performing group whose God-given talent could contribute to this unique expression of praise and worship, contact your DYS! See you at LIVE ’04!