Life-skills lessons now free online

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Arise Foundation announces to the Army world free access to training curricula.

By Paul E. Bollwahn, Lt. Colonel

With  curricula on over 260 life skills for children, youth and adults, the Arise Foundation is now offering free lessons online.

Arise Foundation materials are used throughout The Salvation Army world, facilitating outreach and life skills development through camps, after-school programs, homeless shelters for families, youth programming at corps and Kroc Centers, ARCs and Harbor Light programs.

Several divisions have already sponsored teacher training through the Arise Foundation, and now anyone can take courses online with short, creative and well-researched lessons.

For further information, or to receive your special password enabling participation in this complimentary Arise program call toll free 1-800-680-6100 and speak with Yasmin Isaacs, e-mail Yasmin at, or visit

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