Letters to the Editor

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Letters to the editor

(Ed note: Major Russell Fritz, San Bernardino corps officer, shared this letter with New Frontier.)
Please accept the enclosed $30 as my restitution and repentance for the following: when I was about 10 (1958) I lived somewhere in San Bernardino, where a food company had a marketing program where they placed small jars of peanut butter as samples on people’s door knobs. A group of us quickly removed them from a number of homes and kept them for ourselves. Obviously, restitution cannot be made to the correct people, so would you please give the enclosed money to a single mom in need or a program for the rehabilitation of alcoholics (or you may use this money for anyone of your programs).

Name Provided

On the Corner
I’d like to thank Bob Doctor for having the courage to articulate feeling that most, if not all, have had more often than not. “On the Corner” (January 12, 2001) was heart and gut wrenching! I found myself asking the same questions as I read his account. Too often, I have found myself interrupted by that same man who encountered Bob. Too often, that man shows up at the most inopportune times. Too often, I fight the urge to send him to the church down the street.

Bob, you have challenged me to never dehumanize our motto, “Heart to God, Hand to Man!”

Rob Reardon, Lieutenant
Denver Citadel, Colo.

Retreats and planning
I read with interest reports of retreats and planning meetings in the latest issue of New Frontier (January 12, 2001).

I was reminded of a story told about General Stonewall Jackson during his valley campaign. Finding that he needed to be on the other side of a particular river, he told his engineers to plan and build a bridge so the army could cross. Then he told his wagon master it was urgent the wagon train cross the river as soon as possible. The wagon master quickly gathered logs, rocks, fence rails and anything else he could find to build a bridge. By daylight he reported to Jackson that all the wagons and artillery had crossed the river. When General Jackson asked what the engineers were doing, he was told they were in their tent drawing up plans for a bridge!

By the way, Terry Camsey should know that expediency and integrity are not mutually exclusive. If they were, The Salvation Army would not exist today. Please do not let New Frontier become a political platform.

Ian Robinson, Captain
Santa Barbara, Calif.

Tournament of Roses Band
I was very interested to read about the Tournament of Roses Band parade and would very much like to know a little more about this event. Would it be possible to see some photos from the event?

As part of a small corps band here in the UK, I unfortunately do not have the opportunity to march very often and so my heart is moved with gladness whenever I see a Salvation Army band on the march.

Morvyn Finch
Corps Internet Sergeant
Woodbridge Corps, UK Territory

Send your letters to the editor to: New Frontier (letters), P.O. Box 22646, Long Beach, CA 90802-9998 or e-mail us at: Safrontier@aol.com
The editor reserves the right to print short excerpts from letters.

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