Laura Corps ‘Out of World’

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Campers from all five of The Salvation Army corps in The Marshall Islands descended on the remote Laura Corps for eight days of Summer Camp 2000 that was “Out of this World.”

First up were the Girl Guards & Sunbeams. This group of 80 girls and 25 support staff were joined by Capt. Shari Fowler (Rita corps officer & camp coordinator), Capt. Dianne Doom (THQ) and the ladies from The Marshall Island Service Corps Team. Next, were a group of 90 plus boys joined by more than 20 leaders, including the young men from the Marshall Islands Service Corps Team.

Both girls and boys had opportunity to develop badge skills related to the theme of the camps including Star Study, Space Travel & Rocketry. Campers also swam in the ocean, played lots of volleyball, played games, raced rocket balloons, participated in drama and special music and enjoyed good food prepared and served by the Laura Home League.

Divisional leaders Lt. Colonels Don & Jan Mowery took part in the girls’ final camp fire. Lt. Colonel Jan Mowery presented Hemylynn John her Silver Star. Hemylynn is mother of newly commissioned Lt. Jessica John. Lt. Colonel Don Mowery gave the devotional.

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laura corps ‘out of world’. campers from all five of the salvation army corps in the marshall islands descended on the remote laura corps for eight days of summer camp 2000 that was “out of this world.”. first up were the girl guards sunbeams. this group of 80 girls and 25 support staff were joined by capt. shari fowler (rita corps officer camp coordinator), capt. dianne doom (thq) and the ladies from the marshall island service corps team. next, were a group of 90 plus boys joined by more than 20 leaders, including the young men from the marshall islands service corps team. both girls and boys had opportunity to develop badge skills related to the theme of the camps including star study, space travel rocketry. campers also swam in the ocean, played lots of volleyball, played games, raced rocket balloons, participated in drama and special music and enjoyed good food prepared and served by the laura home league. divisional leaders lt. colonels don jan mowery took part in the girls’ final camp fire. lt. colonel jan mowery presented hemylynn john her silver star. hemylynn is mother of newly commissioned lt. jessica john. lt. colonel don mowery gave the devotional.
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