Children of cadets recognized
By Kelsey Pearce –
As the Disciples of the Cross signed the Officer’s Covenant at the College for Officer Training at Crestmont June 8, their 34 children received a “Kidmissioning” representative of their character.
Each child was recognized for his or her respective skillsets and passions and reminded to use them in their new homes. Their parents will receive their first appointment as officers in The Salvation Army June 15.
Kyle, 4, said, “I loved my certificate.”
Syper, 8, agreed saying he thought the event was fun and awesome.
Major Kyle Smith spoke to the kids about “being Jesus in your community.”
“Kidmissioning was an amazing experience,” said Monica Ibarra, 14. “We actually got to listen and learn about God and have fun celebrating the cadet children.”
Visit pics.usawest.org to flip through photos of the 2014 Commissioning weekend and share with friends and family.