Kenya Salvation Army officers receive emergency training

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Photo by John Berglund

John Berglund, emergency services director for the Greater New York Division, joined IHQ International Emergency Services (IES) personnel in Nairobi, Kenya, in January to train Salvation Army officers in capacity building and emergency management. The team also worked with territorial project officers from the Kenya East and West territories to create a public awareness campaign to educate communities on how to respond to conflict in anticipation of the upcoming national election.

The 2007 presidential election, strongly marked by tribalism, incited substantial ethnic violence that resulted in 1,200 deaths and 600,000 internally displaced persons. This year, Kenya’s general elections will take place March 4.

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kenya salvation army officers receive emergency training. photo by john berglund john berglund, emergency services director for the greater new york division, joined ihq international emergency services (ies) personnel in nairobi, kenya, in january to train salvation army officers in capacity building and emergency management. the team also worked with territorial project officers from the kenya east and west territories to create a public awareness campaign to educate communities on how to respond to conflict in anticipation of the upcoming national election. the 2007 presidential election, strongly marked by tribalism, incited substantial ethnic violence that resulted in 1,200 deaths and 600,000 internally displaced persons. this year, kenya’s general elections will take place march 4.
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