It’s official – Salvation Army in Hungary granted church status

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Hungary’s parliament grants The Salvation Army legal recognition.

Salvationists in Hungary celebrated, thanking God for answered prayer after the country’s parliament granted The Salvation Army legal recognition as a church.

New legislation effective Jan. 1 cut the number of officially registered churches from 300 to 14. The Salvation Army was not among this number, despite having worked in Hungary from 1924 to 1950 and again since 1990. An amendment made to the legislation on Feb. 27 named The Salvation Army as one of a further 17 organizations to be granted church status. Sixty-five groups were unsuccessful in their applications.

Captain Andrew Morgan, regional officer for The Salvation Army’s Hungary Region, said: “For The Salvation Army this means that our ministries continue unimpeded. We continue to enjoy privileges as a recognized church in areas of taxation, government funding of our social services, and funding of clerical activities such as teaching of Christianity to young people. The confirmation of our church status also opens the way for further expansion of our ministry and services with the full backing of the state and in some areas—with commensurate state funding.

“The heightened media exposure and parliament’s affirmation of The Salvation Army’s legitimate status as a church will further endear us to the people and open greater opportunities to present the gospel of Jesus Christ,” he said.

Morgan requests continued prayer for The Salvation Army in Hungary—particularly for “wisdom and guidance in decision making and allocation of resources” so that the current momentum will lead to the further expansion of God’s kingdom.


From International Headquarters


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