It’s ‘All about Kids’ for children of deployed soldiers

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Salvation Army provides week of fun, support at Camp Kuratli.


Children of deployed service men and women have fun during a special water carnival day.

What do fire engines, the Oregon National Guard, KPAM Radio Station, Bob Miller, Camp Kuratli staff, and The Salvation Army have in common? They all are committed to helping children of deployed military soldiers.

Last August, 125 children of deployed service men and women descended upon Camp Kuratli for a week of fun at All About Kids camp. Bob Miller, a popular radio host for KPAM, not only raised the funds for camp through Operation Santa Claus, but showed up to spend time with the kids.

A special water carnival day saw the arrival of the local fire department who showed the kids their equipment and let them cut loose with fire hoses, leading to the largest water fight ever seen at the camp! Along with having a barbecue, the children played water carnival games. “The tug of war was the most fun!” said Capt. Beverley Lloyd, Cascade divisional youth and candidates’ secretary who, along with Major Mariam Rudd, helped one team win the tug of war.

Not to be outdone, the Oregon National Guard provided personnel and plenty of games.

The highlight for Captain James E. Lloyd, Cascade divisional youth secretary, was teaching the children about Jesus Christ and how Jesus loves them. One discouraged boy chatted with him about his dad being in the Air Force; Lloyd was able to share with him first hand, how the Air Force provided air support for his 21st Infantry Troop when he was at war and encouraged him to believe that his dad’s job was vital and heroic.

On Sunday, 68 children received Jesus as their personal Savior after the altar call. 24 made promises to lead better lives.

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