Invisible people and their stories

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Mark Horvath, chronicler of America’s homeless, visits The Salvation Army in Denver.

Mark Horvath of, right, talks with Denver City Councilwoman Judy Montero and Katie Symons of Road Home Project in Denver. [Photo by Roger Miller]

Driving a car provided by Ford and distributing socks donated by Hanes, Mark Horvath travels the United States with his video camera documenting the lives of homeless people he meets. He records their stories in audio and video and posts them on the web.

Everywhere he goes Horvath makes it a point to meet with local opinion leaders to enhance their awareness of homelessness. During a recent trip to Denver, Colo., he visited The Salvation Army’s Intermountain Divisional Headquarters where he took a tour. Roger Miller, public relations director, was his guide and historian as they visited the Lambuth Family Transitional Housing Center and the Harbor Light Center.

When Miller asked Horvath what he knew of The Salvation Army, Horvath gave the typical response: “Kettles at Christmas and thrift stores.” So Miller downloaded the history of the Army, along with information on the Army’s homeless programs, and explained them in detail.

Horvath was so impressed with the Army’s work that he interviewed Major Neal Hogan, Denver social services director, on his live web cast for 15 minutes to discuss the background and services of the Army.

The interview played worldwide on his website, YouTube and Facebook and was recorded for a later release.

As Horvath left Denver to continue his trek across the nation to reveal “the face and voice of homelessness,” he went with a greater awareness of what The Salvation Army is doing to address—and remedy—the needs of the “invisible nation” of the homeless.

Horvath’s own story
Hark Horvath has committed himself to telling the stories of homeless people in their own voice. No fancy studio production values: just real life.

Not that he doesn’t know his way around a television studio: Mark spent many years as a television executive bringing shows like Jeopardy, Married With Children, Wheel of Fortune and 21 Jump Street to worldwide audiences.

He started out as a drummer and came to Hollywood with dreams of having his own star on the Walk of Fame. Music didn’t take him where he wanted to go, so he got into television. After a long stint in the executive suite, his lifelong struggles with drugs and alcohol got the best of him. Instead of getting his own star, he ended up homeless, sleeping on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Now Mark is clean and sober and spending his days documenting the stories of homelessness on America’s streets. He tells of a man who was approached in Hollywood by someone handing him a Bible tract. The man was surprised that anyone could see him. He’d spent so many years alone and outcast that he thought he’d become totally invisible. Mark knows the feeling all too well. His website is appropriately called

Mark’s documentaries can be seen on his site at
Information provided by Roger Miller and Kathy Lovin.

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invisible people and their stories. mark horvath, chronicler of america’s homeless, visits the salvation army in denver. mark horvath of, right, talks with denver city councilwoman judy montero and katie symons of road home project in denver. [photo by roger miller] driving a car provided by ford and distributing socks donated by hanes, mark horvath travels the united states with his video camera documenting the lives of homeless people he meets. he records their stories in audio and video and posts them on the web. everywhere he goes horvath makes it a point to meet with local opinion leaders to enhance their awareness of homelessness. during a recent trip to denver, colo., he visited the salvation army’s intermountain divisional headquarters where he took a tour. roger miller, public relations director, was his guide and historian as they visited the lambuth family transitional housing center and the harbor light center. when miller asked horvath what he knew of the salvation army, horvath gave the typical response: “kettles at christmas and thrift stores.” so miller downloaded the history of the army, along with information on the army’s homeless programs, and explained them in detail. horvath was so impressed with the army’s work that he interviewed major neal hogan, denver social services director, on his live web cast for 15 minutes to discuss the background and services of the army. the interview played worldwide on his website, youtube and facebook and was recorded for a later release. as horvath left denver to continue his trek across the nation to reveal “the face and voice of homelessness,” he went with a greater awareness of what the salvation army is doing to address—and remedy—the needs of the “invisible nation” of the homeless. horvath’s own story hark horvath has committed himself to telling the stories of homeless people in their own voice. no fancy studio production values: just real life. not that he doesn’t know his way around a television studio: mark spent many years as a television executive bringing shows like jeopardy, married with children, wheel of fortune and 21 jump street to worldwide audiences. he started out as a drummer and came to hollywood with dreams of having his own star on the walk of fame. music didn’t take him where he wanted to go, so he got into television. after a long stint in the executive suite, his lifelong struggles with drugs and alcohol got the best of him. instead of getting his own star, he ended up homeless, sleeping on the hollywood walk of fame. now mark is clean and sober and spending his days documenting the stories of homelessness on america’s streets. he tells of a man who was approached in hollywood by someone handing him a bible tract. the man was surprised that anyone could see him. he’d spent so many years alone and outcast that he thought he’d become totally invisible. mark knows the feeling all too well. his website is appropriately called mark’s documentaries can be seen on his site at information provided by roger miller and kathy lovin.
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