India installs first woman territorial commander

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The Chief of the Staff installs new territorial leader for India Western Territory

Commissioner Robin Dunster installs Commissioner P. Mary Rajakumari as territorial commander of the India Western Territory.

Commissioner Robin Dunster is The Salvation Army’s first woman Chief of the Staff.
Upon arrival at the airport in Mumbai, India, Chief of the Staff Commissioner Robin Dunster was greeted by Territorial Commander Commissioner P. Mary Rajakumari and Chief Secretary Lt. Colonel Lalramlhuna and garlanded as a traditional mark of respect to the accompaniment of shouts of “Hallelujah!” Dunster’s three-day visit to the India Western Territory included conducting the installation ceremony for the new territorial leader—the first woman territorial commander in India—along with visiting social institutions in Mumbai and leading executive officers council for Gujarat and Maharashtra.
The installation meeting took place at Taylor Memorial Church, Byculla, one of the city’s oldest churches. Church leaders, friends of The Salvation Army, white-uniformed Salvationists and executive officers and THQ departmental heads filled the church to capacity and extended a warm welcome to the visiting international leader.
After the installation Commissioner Rajakumari inspired the congregation with her challenging message based on the leadership of Joshua. Just as Joshua was a worthy successor to Moses, the commissioner said she wanted to complete the work of her recently promoted to Glory husband, Commissioner P. D. Krupa Das. After her message, many people moved forward to the mercy seat where she herself had earlier knelt in dedication during the installation ceremony.

From a report by Major B. P. Jadhav

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