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by Nancy Dihle, Major –

Rarely does one plan on being a hero. It comes through feats of courage, nobility of purpose or life-risking situations. Probably because of the Iraq war, our nation seems fixed on heroes. The names Pat Tillman and Lori Piestewa are often mentioned as heroes.
But here is another one. Pfc. Kenny Leisten was an average America young Oregonian. He grew into a young man, his intelligence, individuality, integrity, and just plain gutsy determination showed themselves in a variety of ways. He questioned the status quo if something seemed unfair to him.

Kenny had compassion. He stood up for freedom of speech and expression. He faced challenges squarely. His conviction prompted him to become a soldier to fight for his convictions. He ultimately gave his life in the process of standing for what he believed was right.

In every war, there are acts of extraordinary courage where an individual goes beyond what is expected on an uncommon mission. Their very act sets them apart from the average individual. Kenny Leiston was one of these individuals.

It seems that acknowledging heroes is the “in” thing to do. CNN is advertising on their channel for “ordinary people who have accomplished extraordinary deeds.” There are six nominating categories that include those who are fighting for justice, community crusaders, championing children and young wonders.

Another indicator that our society is looking for heroes is the popularity of the most successful new shows on NBC last year called “Heroes.” Each episode tells the story of several people who thought they were like everyone else until they realized they have incredible abilities.

We believe that the power of God in us gives us incredible abilities. He accomplishes great things through our efforts.

The Salvation Army needs heroes—men and women who are sold out for Christ and whose faith makes them courageous and bold.

The Salvation Army needs heroes—men and women who are not afraid of the challenges of a hurting world and people in need.

The Salvation Army needs you!

When God urges you to respond to the call for officers, He gives us his promise, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Respond boldly. Be willing to stand and say, “God has called me to be an officer!” Be a modern day hero for God!

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