Griffin Describes Training Process

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By Major Terry Griffin –
Training Principal

In August of 1994 the Messengers of the Truth entered the College for Officer Training. They came from the four corners of this territory to prepare themselves for ministry in the ranks of The Salvation Army. Like the men and women of faith who have preceded them, they have answered God’s call to leave their homes, jobs, positions and possessions to follow Christ.

During the past 22 months the Messengers of the Truth have been involved in a variety of training experiences which are designed to prepare their minds and hearts for service to God. They have spent time in the classroom, attended seminars, and have blended what they have learned with the practical experience of Field Training ministry.

Most important has been the development of their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Who they are in Christ will be the foundation for all that they do in his name.

The College for Officer Training is a wonderful blending of cultures and colors. God has brought them together to accomplish His purpose in the lives of these men and women who are committed to serving him. They have come from a vast variety of backgrounds, cultures, professions and experiences for one purpose, to proclaim the truth of God to a dying world.

I would like to thank this year’s staff at the college for their leadership and personal involvement in the training of the cadets. They have given sacrificially and are to be commended for their commitment to Jesus Christ and The Salvation Army.

I would also like to acknowledge the parents, families, friends, corps, divisional, and territorial officers for their support and encouragement of the cadets. They have come from your homes, your corps and your divisions, and now they will be returning to give leadership in the great salvation war.

The Messengers of the Truth are not the same people who walked through the front door of The College for Officer Training two years ago. They have now earned the right to wear the red trim and silver star of a Salvation Army officer. What has mad the difference? Each new lieutenant must answer that question individually. They know the hours invested in study and preparation for assignments They know the tears that have stained the altar in the college chapel as they have worked through the commitment that God has asked them to make. They know the investment made on their behalf by family, friends, corps officers, soldiers, divisional and territorial officers, college employees and officers, and their fellow cadets. All of these elements blended together with the many experiences in ministry during the past two years have brought them to this occasion today. We celebrate their personal achievements and commitment to be officers in The Salvation Army.

The Messengers of the Truth are committed to the truth of God’s Word. Each of these cadets have signed their covenants, pledging their allegiance to Jesus Christ and to serve him under the blood and fire banner of The Salvation Army It is their desire to be people of truth and to proclaim that truth wherever they go.

I would like to conclude with words which were spoken by the Reverend Billy Graham and which are my prayer for the Messengers of the Truth.

The most eloquent prayer is the prayer through the hands that heal and bless. The highest form of worship is the worship of unselfish Christian service. The greatest form of praise is the sound of feet seeking out the lost and the helpless.

I pray that the lives of these men and women will be a practical expression of the living Christ touching the lives of others.

May God bless the Messengers of the Truth.


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