Good Friday tradition continues

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Rain clouds threatened–but didn’t dampen–the enthusiasm of hundreds of Salvationists and friends who gathered on the lawn at Crestmont to attend the annual Good Friday service.

Special guest Steve Amerson, an accomplished classical and internationally known Christian singer, provided a moving musical prelude to this year’s portrayal of “The Passion of the Cross.” It was the second time Amerson had performed at the Crestmont services.

The dramatization of three events during Christ’s final days featured Gordon Bingham as narrator, with the officers, cadets and staff of the College for Officer Training and Territorial Headquarters participating in the vignettes.

Chief Secretary Colonel Phil Needham spoke on forgiveness, using as his text Jesus’ words on the cross, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” “One of our problems with Jesus,” Needham said, “is his never ending forgiveness.” He noted that in three words (Father, forgive them) Jesus said what his whole life was saying. “We can’t escape God’s forgiveness,” he explained.

Songster Leader Janette Bosanko led the CFOT cadet chorus and Territorial Band-master Ivor Bosanko provided the musical accompaniment.

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