General retires the Robertses

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Praise and Worship at Royal Oak Citadel Corps during The General's visit on November 1st
Praise and Worship at Royal Oak Citadel Corps during The General’s visit on November 1st

By Christina Holman – 

Friends and colleagues honored Commissioners William and Nancy Roberts after 45-years of service in The Salvation Army at a meeting led by General André Cox at Dearborn Heights Citadel Corps in Michigan.

The pair retired from appointments at International Headquarters—as chief of the staff and world secretary for women’s ministries, respectively.

The celebration of service started with a marching-in of flags representing countries where the Robertses served—the U.S., Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Kenya and the United Kingdom. Lt. Colonels Lonneal and Patty Richardson and Lt. Colonels Mickey and June McLaren shared how the Robertses have served joyfully as officers and friends.

Their daughters, Becky Hurula and Barbara Steffes, talked about times they shared in their parents’ ministry before the grandchildren shared a musical presentation full of joy, laughter and memories and ended with the entire family joining to sing “The Family of God.”

Commissioners William & Nancy Roberts look at the General as he speaks at their retirement
Commissioners William & Nancy Roberts look at the General as he speaks at their retirement

The Robertses shared some of the memories and experiences they have had, evidencing the joy with which they served.

Nephew Dr. Joseph Baunoch sang “His Grace Still Amazes Me,” and the General and Commissioner Silvia Cox presented the couple with retirement certificates, recognizing a combined total of more than 90 years of service as active Salvation Army officers. The meeting ended with Kenyan-style singing and dancing to the song “We Are Marching.”

While in town, the Coxes led worship at the Southeast Michigan Adult Rehabilitation Center in Detroit, Mich., and at Royal Oak Citadel Corps.

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