General leads zonal conference in Indonesia

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General André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox, World President of Women’s Ministries, were guest leaders at the South Pacific and East Asia (SPEA) Zonal Leaders Conference in Bali, Indonesia. The conference, which brought together leaders of SPEA territories and commands for discussion, contemplation and challenge under the theme “Mobilized for Effective Mission,” was followed by a zonal women leaders conference led by Silvia Cox.

Following the zonal conference, the women leaders from throughout the South Pacific and East Asia Zone enjoyed time together.

Delegates attended a combined holiness meeting, attended by around 400 officers and Salvationists from the Jawa and Bali Division. In his Bible message, the General reminded the congregation that The Salvation Army is called to go out and “do something” to fight injustice and poverty. After the message, roughly 50 adults and children knelt at the mercy seat and were prayed for.

Worship was supported by brass bands from Denpasar 1 and Denpasar 2 Corps, a worship ensemble, specially formed choirs, timbrels and a cultural presentation by residents from a Salvation Army children’s home.

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general leads zonal conference in indonesia. general andré cox and commissioner silvia cox, world president of women’s ministries, were guest leaders at the south pacific and east asia (spea) zonal leaders conference in bali, indonesia. the conference, which brought together leaders of spea territories and commands for discussion, contemplation and challenge under the theme “mobilized for effective mission,” was followed by a zonal women leaders conference led by silvia cox. following the zonal conference, the women leaders from throughout the south pacific and east asia zone enjoyed time together. delegates attended a combined holiness meeting, attended by around 400 officers and salvationists from the jawa and bali division. in his bible message, the general reminded the congregation that the salvation army is called to go out and “do something” to fight injustice and poverty. after the message, roughly 50 adults and children knelt at the mercy seat and were prayed for. worship was supported by brass bands from denpasar 1 and denpasar 2 corps, a worship ensemble, specially formed choirs, timbrels and a cultural presentation by residents from a salvation army children’s home.
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