Gather and learn

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By Martin Hunt

Seminars offer discovery and interaction at The Gathering.

In addition to its general sessions, attendees of The Gathering can also participate in 10 instructional seminars that will be offered June 8 at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., and June 9 at 1 p.m. Attendance is voluntary and requires no additional registration. The topics include:

1) “Thirsting for joy? Renewing your spiritual passion” with Major Clay Gardner. William Booth said, “The tendency of fire is to go out,” but we know that the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, “…fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you…” (2 Tim. 1:6 NIV). A student of the Old Testament, theology, Greek and the Gospels, Gardner will explore how to renew spiritual passion.

2) “Can we be holy? A guide for Christian living” with Captain Nigel Cross, D.Min., corps officer in Centennial, Colo. As saved children of God, Christians are declared to be holy. With Cross, participants will more deeply understand what it means to live a life of holiness.

3) “Deeper prayer life: the gateway for spiritual growth” with Lt. Colonel Mervyn Morelock, Western Territory prayer coordinator who writes a regular “Prayer Power” column in New Frontier and provides a weekly “Call to Prayer” bulletin. Discover how an effective prayer life results in a closer relationship with God.

4) “History matters! The story behind the Salvation Army” with Major Kevin Jackson, corps officer in Billings, Mont., and a Salvation Army historian and educator who helped train nine sessions of cadets at the College for Officer Training at Crestmont. Explore the Army’s heritage and examine its history in the context of the American West, with emphasis on social ministries from pioneering days to the present.

5) “History matters! The story behind the Salvation Army” (in Spanish) with Commissioner Alicia Burger (June 8 at 10 a.m. only). Look at the Army’s history, from its start in 1865 in London’s slums to its growth as a worldwide movement, focusing on its relevance in today’s culture.

6) “Feeling lost? The Bible as your guide for personal growth and ministry” with Major John Bennett, El Paso county coordinator and corps officer in Colorado Springs, Colo. Learn to emphasize the importance of reading, studying, praying and living out God’s Word, and how to take it home to revolutionize families, corps, neighborhoods, work places and the world.

7) “Breakfast at Sally’s: One homeless man’s inspirational journey” with Richard LeMieux, author. LeMieux was once wealthy, but a change of fortune drove him into bankruptcy, and he moved into his minivan with his dog, Willow. In despair, he nearly committed suicide but was saved by God’s presence in his life and the love of Willow. Hear his story of recovery from homelessness and hopelessness.

8) “Storytelling outreach: effective techniques for film and media” with Guy Noland, executive producer. Examine how professional writers form concepts into concise, entertaining and complete scripts with solid structure and flawless technique. Noland will share secrets of the Hollywood screenwriting model, looking at story analysis and practical application to ministry.

9) “Making a ministry impact in today’s digital, distracted culture” with Phil Cooke, filmmaker, media constant and television producer. Discover the new rules for telling your story, including looking at how the audience perceives it. An esential workshop for those who wish to make a film or write a book, and those who want to make their organizations or ministries more effective.

10) “Facebook and faith: living an authentic digital life” with Grant Whitehead, social media chaplain and creator of with his wife, Bev. Explore how to use social media to share your faith online and what an online corps might look like.

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gather and learn. bymartin hunt. seminars offer discovery and interaction at the gathering. in addition to its general sessions, attendees of the gathering can also participate in 10 instructional seminars that will be offered june 8 at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., and june 9 at 1 p.m. attendance is voluntary and requires no additional registration. the topics include:. 1) “thirsting for joy? renewing your spiritual passion” with major clay gardner. william booth said, “the tendency of fire is to go out,” but we know that the apostle paul wrote to timothy, “…fan into flame the gift of god, which is in you…” (2 tim. 1:6 niv). a student of the old testament, theology, greek and the gospels, gardner will explore how to renew spiritual passion. 2) “can we be holy? a guide for christian living” with captain nigel cross, d.min., corps officer in centennial, colo. as saved children of god, christians are declared to be holy. with cross, participants will more deeply understand what it means to live a life of holiness. 3) “deeper prayer life: the gateway for spiritual growth” with lt. colonel mervyn morelock, western territory prayer coordinator who writes a regular “prayer power” column in new frontier and provides a weekly “call to prayer” bulletin. discover how an effective prayer life results in a closer relationship with god. 4) “history matters! the story behind the salvation army” with major kevin jackson, corps officer in billings, mont., and a salvation army historian and educator who helped train nine sessions of cadets at the college for officer training at crestmont. explore the army’s heritage and examine its history in the context of the american west, with emphasis on social ministries from pioneering days to the present. 5) “history matters! the story behind the salvation army” (in spanish) with commissioner alicia burger (june 8 at 10 a.m. only). look at the army’s history, from its start in 1865 in london’s slums to its growth as a worldwide movement, focusing on its relevance in today’s culture. 6) “feeling lost? the bible as your guide for personal growth and ministry” with major john bennett, el paso county coordinator and corps officer in colorado springs, colo. learn to emphasize the importance of reading, studying, praying and living out god’s word, and how to take it home to revolutionize families, corps, neighborhoods, work places and the world. 7) “breakfast at sally’s: one homeless man’s inspirational journey” with richard lemieux, author. lemieux was once wealthy, but a change of fortune drove him into bankruptcy, and he moved into his minivan with his dog, willow. in despair, he nearly committed suicide but was saved by god’s presence in his life and the love of willow. hear his story of recovery from homelessness and hopelessness. 8) “storytelling outreach: effective techniques for film and media” with guy noland, executive producer. examine how professional writers form concepts into concise, entertaining and complete scripts with solid structure and flawless technique. noland will share secrets of the hollywood screenwriting model, looking at story analysis and practical application to ministry. 9) “making a ministry impact in today’s digital, distracted culture” with phil cooke, filmmaker, media constant and television producer. discover the new rules for telling your story, including looking at how the audience perceives it. an esential workshop for those who wish to make a film or write a book, and those who want to make their organizations or ministries more effective. 10) “facebook and faith: living an authentic digital life” with grant whitehead, social media chaplain and creator of with his wife, bev. explore how to use social media to share your faith online and what an online corps might look like.
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