FrontLlines – News Briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann Warner –

Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things. Psalm 98:1 (NIV)

Army bell ringer honored
The Salvation Army honored Longmont, Colo., bell ringer Frank Young, 91, for 41 years of service. Young started his holiday bell ringing with a Boulder, Colo., Kiwanis Club in 1968, and shifted to Longmont in 1995. “Time slips by when you’re having fun,” Young said. Thank you for your generous contribution, Mr. Young!

Modesto keeps kids warm
Thanks to Modesto Citadel, Calif., advisory board members, Channel 10 Television, and the Tri-Counties Bank approximately 6,000 new and gently used warm coats were distributed to needy citizens. Board member Lynda Venturini organized volunteers to sort, clean, and hang coats according to gender and sizes for children and adults. Corps officers are Majors Darvin and Betty Carpenter.

Coeur d’Alene Kroc update
Just over seven months after opening, The Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho is humming along: membership is over 17,000 and the number of total visitors has hit 200,000. Around 150 attend church services each week. The Coeur d’Alene Kroc Center, under the direction of Majors John and Lani Chamness, was the West’s third to open. Other centers include San Diego, Calif., San Francisco, Calif., and Salem, Ore.

Car repair for Cascade clients
NAPA AutoCare Centers and The Salvation Army are partnering to bring an Angel Car Care repair program to Salvation Army Portland Metro, Gresham, and Hillsboro clients during January. Nineteen AutoCare centers will offer up to $10,000 (up to $1,000 per car) to repair as many cars as possible and put them safely back on the road. Clients will be selected through an application process at the corps.

Farm colonies podcast
Want to learn more about The Salvation Army’s early farm colonies? You can hear a podcast by Museum Coordinator Clinton Trimmer at that discusses Ft. Romie and Ft. Amity, two farm colonies located in what is now the Western Territory.

New appointments
The following new appointments for the Intermountain Division are effective February 3, 2010: Captain David and Major Geraldine Leonard – corps officers, Sheridan Corps, Wyo.; Lt. Colonels Rich and Bettie Love – corps officers pro-tem, Aurora Corps, Colo; Major Julie Garcia – assoc. corps officer, Denver Lighthouse Corps, Colo.; Majors Richard and Deborah Green – additional responsibilities: corps officers, Salt Lake City Central Corps.

Do you have news?
Let the West know about soldier enrollments, youth or adult programs, and other events at your corps, ARC, or units! Send brief news stories (50-75 words) to:

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The Salvation Army at Urbana

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