Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Captain Robert L. Rudd – 

Captain Cruz Rodriguez, Red Bluff, Calif., corps officer, tells us that at their annual volunteer dinner, Lt. Col. Charles Strickland made a special presentation to a young lady who truly practices “Heart to God, Hand to Man,” Chelsea Symons.

Chelsea saves her money in a jar, and then brings it to us to help feed the hungry. Other enterprises include a lemonade stand and a program with her church called “Pennies from Heaven,” which benefit the Army.

At the dinner other volunteers were recognized for dedicating their time to such programs as the food pantry, bell ringers, and youth and adult programs. Ralley’s, Food 4 Less, Channel 7 News, and Wal-Mart Distribution Center also were recognized for their help. “We are truly blessed,” says Rodriguez, “to be in a community that is so caring and giving.”


We have just heard from Commissioner Orval Taylor (R) that the Hold Fast Session plans a reunion luncheon in Southern California during Commissioning weekend. Staff members and anyone connected with the Hold Fast session are requested to contact Mrs. Lt. Colonel Muriel Collier at P.O. Box 300, Idylwild CA 92549 for details concerning this 60th Anniversary event.


The Santa Cruz, Calif., Corps is dedicating its newly built chapel in memory of Robert L. Laverty, corps sergeant major for over 60 years. Captains Scott and Cherilee Ramsey invite anyone touched by his life to attend the Dedication on Sunday, March 19, at 3:00 p.m. They are also preparing a book of letters to present to his wife, Dorothy, and contributions to this may be sent to them at the Santa Cruz Corps.


There was a “slip of the fingers” in writing about the retirement of Majors Neil and Beth Saunders. Her parents, Cols. Henry and Marie Koerner (R), reside at 2375 Range Ave. #64, Santa Rosa CA 95403-9419, not in Honolulu. The confusion arose because the biography said Major Beth was born in the Islands.


Capt. Kelly Pontsler, European Command finance officer, whose unusual financial assignment keeps her in motion in a fascinating part of the world, is grateful for all the prayers, notes and encouragement she has received. The work of an evangelical church in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Belgium faces many challenges. “We have terrific officers, with lots of enthusiasm and hope for the future, but resources are extremely limited,” she says.

She is grateful to her Brengle Institute classmates for the donation of a keyboard for the Italy Command. Though she does not claim to be a whiz at languages, she is picking up Flemish, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese as she goes along. This is in addition to the French she spoke in Africa. Let’s pray for her as she helps the financial officers of all these commands.


On May 16, the annual awards and recognition banquet for the Boise, Ida., Corps, held at the Boise Centre on the Grove, will begin at 5:45 p.m. and will include silent and live auctions. This will recognize those within the Boise community who have selflessly stepped forward to help The Salvation Army and our many less fortunate neighbors.

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