Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Captain Robert L. Rudd – 

From its humble beginnings as a potluck luncheon in honor of World Food Day and National Bosses Day, the idea of fostering teamwork developed into a successful silent auction/potluck luncheon at the Northwest Divisional Headquarters to raise funds for World Services.

A total of $567 was raised, more than double the amount anticipated. Several employees contributed the results of their handicraft and cooking skills, while others purchased new items and a few even donated antiques and mementos of Salvation Army history.

The delicious food prepared by officers and employees, in addition to the numerous items donated and purchased, blessed everyone as well as helping a good cause.

Congratulations to Lt. Colonels Chris and Janice Buchanan and a lot of good people!


There was a fine article in a recent issue of the “Tri-Cities Tidings” magazine, Newark, Calif., featuring Lts. John and Candy Stennett. They are doing a fine job in their first assignment since becoming officers. The article also gives a good boost to The Salvation Army and its work there.


In Escondido, Calif., Dale Smith used to visit nursing homes until he was slowed down because of illness. He has been a clown for Sunday school rallies and other special events. He now visits on his scooter to these same nursing homes and makes shut-in visits in his mobile home park. Dale looks forward to kettle time and talking to people, too. Can’t keep a good man down!


Recently, a long-time Western officer confessed not knowing we had a museum. While we don’t have a museum room, we do have hall displays and an active historical department. Frances Dingman has been on the job since 1983 and is constantly answering questions, providing pictures and articles on request, and preserving our precious past.

Don’t overlook this resource! Give her a call, a fax or a letter at THQ and see what our historical department has to offer. Located at Lomita Annex, the phone number is (310) 534-6097.


A recent visit from Major Bo Brekke, regional commander in Bangladesh resulted in 79 new cases received by Major Ruth Looker at the Children’s Overseas Sponsorship Office. Such appealing pictures came with each case history! You can see that some are blind, but all are smiling. Currently, the office has sponsors for 320 children all over the world, and 241 more are waiting for someone to “adopt” them. Just $20 a month makes such a difference!


Under the direction of Divisional Boys’ Work & Sports Coordinator Doug Williams, Jr., the Adventure Corps program has experienced a growth explosion in the Southern California Division. Captain George Baker, divisional youth & candidates secretary, reports that eight new Adventure Corps units have begun since July and several other corps have expressed an interest in implementing the program. Baker states, “The newly revised program is a great tool for working with the boys of our division.” He adds, “Doug Williams has done an excellent job in promoting the program. We’re excited about the growth of the boys’ work in this division, and look forward to continued growth in this vital program and ministry.”


Captain Terry Camsey, territorial church growth and vision secretary and popular New Frontier columnist, was admitted to the hospital recently, where an artery on the right side of his heart was stented.

He is now resting comfortably at home. Cards and letters maybe sent to him at 922 Natchez St., San Pedro CA 90731-1349.

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ALASKA–Caretaker: for King’s Lake Camp

I Have a Dream…(with apologies to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)

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