Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Captain Robert L. Rudd – 

Sitting on my desk is a picture of a bald eagle with this statement regarding “pride” written on it: “Pride is a personal commitment; it is an attitude which separates excellence from mediocrity.”

Certainly, this is not the kind of pride that we are admonished in the Scriptures to avoid. That is the self-seeking kind, the kind that emanates from our need to dominate and control or the kind that causes others to see us for what we aren’t.

The statement on the picture matches pride with excellence–the kind our Lord demonstrated in creation–the kind Christ demonstrated in his practical ministry to people in need–the kind he desires to see evidenced in our relationships, ministries, programs, and personal habits.

Today, can I encourage you to consider what it will take to move from the mediocre issues of your life into a pattern of excellence? Let’s agree that we ought to be a people who hold excellence not as an ideal but rather as a practical reality that Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit manifests in our lives.

Be encouraged as you read about some of our comrades who have made a decision to move away from mediocrity….


Sierra Del Mar celebrated “League of Mercy Sunday” throughout the division recently as 273 LOM members helped bring attention to their program and encourage others to join in. Within the LOM there are several new programs starting. Redlands has a sub-group called PEP–People Encouraging People–that holds workshops and takes Junior soldiers along on visitations. El Cajon recognized their members with a special bookmark along with Certificates of Appreciation. Major Debora Bell was special guest at Chula Vista, and Major Ivy Hood appeared at Escondido.


So. California Division’s Camp Gilmore, in Calabasas, recently hosted a Hip Hop House and SKA Concert. Five dollars a person included free espresso, sodas and other refreshments, along with three groups and Cosmic Jukebox. Makes you want to be young again!


“First of all I want to highly commend you on your generous contributions to society as well as your diverse programs…I am writing to give praise to the staff of the Oakland, Calif. (ARC) facility. I have never in all my years of making contributions encountered a more professional as well as caring group of individuals. These men are a prime example of going the extra mile…To give such dedication to your organization as well as keep a remarkably positive attitude is miraculous…Keep up the great work!” An impressed donor.


Back to school, and time for about 500 Orange County, Calif., children to shop at Mervyns for $100 each of new clothes and shoes. The children were selected from the Army’s chain of six Family Service Centers and two Red Shield Youth Centers. Amelia Madole, president of the Army’s Women’s Auxiliary of Orange County, credits the hard work of Auxiliary volunteers and many supporters as well as Mervyns, saying, “The Shopping Spree is a great chance to make a difference in the life of a child.”


Mrs. Shirley Eads writes to us about Majors George and Jeri Bawden, corps officers in Port Angeles, Wash. “They are the most wonderful people. They never accept any attention for the good they do for people. They are very, very superior in the work with the community and the young people. They have summer camps and sessions with every age group. Mrs. Major is the leader of the Soroptimists. These ladies work miracles. From a swampy piece of land near the pier they are making a park that we all shall enjoy. Oh, yes, she is also a poetess! Every Sunday there is a poem in the church bulletin. Oh, God bless them from the bottom of my heart!”


Colonel Bill Luttrell reminds us that we are indebted to the post-retirement service of several retired officers who helped “bridge the gap” during the changes of appointments in the territory.

Majors Tom and Merle Elliott served as COs in Mesa, Az. Majors Les and Lois Brooks at Grandview Temple, Wash. Several held the fort as ARC administrators: Lt. Col. David Allen in Perris, Majors Oliver and Geretta Stenvick in Anaheim, Major Richard LeCappelain in Phoenix,and Major Francis Ruml in San Bernardino. The late Major Joe Viola gave fine service at both Perris and more recently as the San Diego administrator. Numerous other ROs serve in a wide variety of ministries in positions throughout the West, and we appreciate all you do.

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frontlines — news briefs of the west. by captain robert l. rudd –. sitting on my desk is a picture of a bald eagle with this statement regarding “pride” written on it: “pride is a personal commitment; it is an attitude which separates excellence from mediocrity.”. certainly, this is not the kind of pride that we are admonished in the scriptures to avoid. that is the self-seeking kind, the kind that emanates from our need to dominate and control or the kind that causes others to see us for what we aren’t. the statement on the picture matches pride with excellence–the kind our lord demonstrated in creation–the kind christ demonstrated in his practical ministry to people in need–the kind he desires to see evidenced in our relationships, ministries, programs, and personal habits. today, can i encourage you to consider what it will take to move from the mediocre issues of your life into a pattern of excellence? let’s agree that we ought to be a people who hold excellence not as an ideal but rather as a practical reality that christ through the power of the holy spirit manifests in our lives. be encouraged as you read about some of our comrades who have made a decision to move away from mediocrity…. lom in the limelight. sierra del mar celebrated “league of mercy sunday” throughout the division recently as 273 lom members helped bring attention to their program and encourage others to join in. within the lom there are several new programs starting. redlands has a sub-group called pep–people encouraging people–that holds workshops and takes junior soldiers along on visitations. el cajon recognized their members with a special bookmark along with certificates of appreciation. major debora bell was special guest at chula vista, and major ivy hood appeared at escondido. hip hop at gilmore. so. california division’s camp gilmore, in calabasas, recently hosted a hip hop house and ska concert. five dollars a person included free espresso, sodas and other refreshments, along with three groups and cosmic jukebox. makes you want to be young again! e-mail kudos. “first of all i want to highly commend you on your generous contributions to society as well as your diverse programs…i am writing to give praise to the staff of the oakland, calif. (arc) facility. i have never in all my years of making contributions encountered a more professional as well as caring group of individuals. these men are a prime example of going the extra mile…to give such dedication to your organization as well as keep a remarkably positive attitude is miraculous…keep up the great work!” an impressed donor. time for a spree. back to school, and time for about 500 orange county, calif., children to shop at mervyns for $100 each of new clothes and shoes. the children were selected from the army’s chain of six family service centers and two red shield youth centers. amelia madole, president of the army’s women’s auxiliary of orange county, credits the hard work of auxiliary volunteers and many supporters as well as mervyns, saying, “the shopping spree is a great chance to make a difference in the life of a child.”. praise for the bawdens. mrs. shirley eads writes to us about majors george and jeri bawden, corps officers in port angeles, wash. “they are the most wonderful people. they never accept any attention for the good they do for people. they are very, very superior in the work with the community and the young people. they have summer camps and sessions with every age group. mrs. major is the leader of the soroptimists. these ladies work miracles. from a swampy piece of land near the pier they are making a park that we all shall enjoy. oh, yes, she is also a poetess! every sunday there is a poem in the church bulletin. oh, god bless them from the bottom of my heart!”. going the extra mile. colonel bill luttrell reminds us that we are indebted to the post-retirement service of several retired officers who helped “bridge the gap” during the changes of appointments in the territory. majors tom and merle elliott served as cos in mesa, az. majors les and lois brooks at grandview temple, wash. several held the fort as arc administrators: lt. col. david allen in perris, majors oliver and geretta stenvick in anaheim, major richard lecappelain in phoenix,and major francis ruml in san bernardino. the late major joe viola gave fine service at both perris and more recently as the san diego administrator. numerous other ros serve in a wide variety of ministries in positions throughout the west, and we appreciate all you do.
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