Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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By Bob Bearchell –

Bob Bearchell

Attention, National Social Services Conference delegates! The Doubletree Hotel in San Diego is now the Westin Hotel Horton Plaza. Upon arrival at the airport, don’t ask simply for the Westin Hotel–that’s a different hotel in the area.


  • Major Russell Fritz reports that the Sabre Club, a local organization for travel agents, donated 1,000 toys for the San Bernardino Salvation Army to distribute this year. 

Media coverage of the Southern California Christmas Kettle Campaign was excellent. The annual star-studded Kettle Kickoff and Celebrity Bell Ringing Day were covered in all media; public service announcements and interviews helped spread the word of the Army’s work. Nearly $3,000 worth of ad space was donated by Copley Newspapers and others. The sum raised was $1.4 million, and about 375,000 people were served in Los Angeles County alone.

The Salvation Army had tremendous exposure on the “Today” Show on New Year’s Day when Bryant Gumbel interviewed Major Tom Jones, National Community and Development Services Secretary, about charitable giving. The Major represented us well.

Lt. Colonel Check Yee (R) writes from Beijing, China, that reading New Frontier gives a touch of homesickness. He has been touring many of the project sites, from city to city, to inspect progress of S.A. work. “Our office in Kunming is now being established.” The colonel was in Hong Kong for the holy season. We will share his permanent address when he has one.

We hear from Captains Mark and Jennifer Fagerstrom in Moscow that they have a new e-mail address:

Lt. Colonel Donald Sather, divisional commander, has announced that Bandmaster Donald R. Read of the El Cajon Corps has been appointed as the new Sierra Del Mar Divisional Music Coordinator. This is in addition to his responsibility as the Divisional Capital Campaign Coordinator. Don is totally committed to a Christian ministry through music. May God bless his efforts.

Sixteen students sponsored by the Japanese Fellowship League assisted the Army in San Francisco with operation of the Food and Toy Warehouse at Christmas. Students were challenged by Captain C.P. Granat to support The Salvation Army in Japan after they return and to consider involvement in the Advisory Board.

The Concord, Calif., Corps (Majors William and Judith Nottle) recently celebrated “Scottish Night,” and dinner was complete with haggis! Traditional Scots songs and readings from Robert Burns’ poetry provided after-dinner entertainment, raising over $600 for the corps building fund. Scots S/L Jim Black and his wife Marion, and CSM Ernie Young and his wife Ann were hosts for the evening.

The Newbould family, Ardys, Ruth, Paul and Christine and their families, wish to express their appreciation for all the prayers, telephone calls, cards and messages which have been received during the illness and promotion to Glory of Lt. Colonel Victor Newbould (R). The support of friends means much to the family.

  • Arizona State Coach Bruce Snyder experienced “the greatest feeling I’ve ever had in athletics” when he coached in the Rose Bowl in Pasadena on New Year’s day. All his life, Snyder, who was born in Southern California, has wanted to coach in the Rose Bowl. Once, at age 15, he even drove a float in the parade, just so he could get tickets to the game. It was the Salvation Army float! 
  • In Newport, Ore., Capt. Matthew Niblack reports that a silent auction at Wal-Mart of a Tickle Me Elmo doll brought $410 for the Army’s work. The two daughters of Kimberley Bittick of Waldport became the proud owners. 

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frontlines — news briefs of the west. by bob bearchell –. attention, national social services conference delegates! the doubletree hotel in san diego is now the westin hotel horton plaza. upon arrival at the airport, don’t ask simply for the westin hotel–that’s a different hotel in the area. christmas in retrospect. major russell fritz reports that the sabre club, a local organization for travel agents, donated 1,000 toys for the san bernardino salvation army to distribute this year. media coverage of the southern california christmas kettle campaign was excellent. the annual star-studded kettle kickoff and celebrity bell ringing day were covered in all media; public service announcements and interviews helped spread the word of the army’s work. nearly $3,000 worth of ad space was donated by copley newspapers and others. the sum raised was $1.4 million, and about 375,000 people were served in los angeles county alone. s.a. on today show the salvation army had tremendous exposure on the “today” show on new year’s day when bryant gumbel interviewed major tom jones, national community and development services secretary, about charitable giving. the major represented us well. yee reports lt. colonel check yee (r) writes from beijing, china, that reading new frontier gives a touch of homesickness. he has been touring many of the project sites, from city to city, to inspect progress of s.a. work. “our office in kunming is now being established.” the colonel was in hong kong for the holy season. we will share his permanent address when he has one. mail address we hear from captains mark and jennifer fagerstrom in moscow that they have a new e-mail address: new music man lt. colonel donald sather, divisional commander, has announced that bandmaster donald r. read of the el cajon corps has been appointed as the new sierra del mar divisional music coordinator. this is in addition to his responsibility as the divisional capital campaign coordinator. don is totally committed to a christian ministry through music. may god bless his efforts. students help army sixteen students sponsored by the japanese fellowship league assisted the army in san francisco with operation of the food and toy warehouse at christmas. students were challenged by captain c.p. granat to support the salvation army in japan after they return and to consider involvement in the advisory board. hoot, mon! the concord, calif., corps (majors william and judith nottle) recently celebrated “scottish night,” and dinner was complete with haggis! traditional scots songs and readings from robert burns’ poetry provided after-dinner entertainment, raising over $600 for the corps building fund. scots s/l jim black and his wife marion, and csm ernie young and his wife ann were hosts for the evening. appreciation expressed the newbould family, ardys, ruth, paul and christine and their families, wish to express their appreciation for all the prayers, telephone calls, cards and messages which have been received during the illness and promotion to glory of lt. colonel victor newbould (r). the support of friends means much to the family. arizona state coach bruce snyder experienced “the greatest feeling i’ve ever had in athletics” when he coached in the rose bowl in pasadena on new year’s day. all his life, snyder, who was born in southern california, has wanted to coach in the rose bowl. once, at age 15, he even drove a float in the parade, just so he could get tickets to the game. it was the salvation army float! in newport, ore., capt. matthew niblack reports that a silent auction at wal-mart of a tickle me elmo doll brought $410 for the army’s work. the two daughters of kimberley bittick of waldport became the proud owners.
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