Frontlines – News briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann Warner –

Sue Schumann Warner

And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split. The tombs also were opened. And many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many. When the centurion and those who were with him, keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe and said, “Truly this was the Son of God!”

Matthew 27:51-54 (ESV)

Portland shelter gives award
The Salvation Army West Women’s and Children’s Shelter awarded its 11th annual Wings Award $500 scholarship to one of its clients recently. The Portland, Ore., shelter gives the annual award to a woman who writes a compelling essay on the tremendous progress she has made in her life; reaffirming her inner strength, courage and will to move beyond her past filled with intimate partner violence and reclaiming her personal power. This year’s recipient is a survivor of Hurricane Katrina and of a violent relationship, reported Director Pat Mohr, and is currently enrolled in college even though this has been a year where she has faced serious medical uncertainty.

San Francisco opens detox center
The Army’s Detoxification Center, located on the campus of the Harbor Light Center residential drug treatment program, recently reopened. The detox center offers a seven to 28-day program to provide people with the first step on their path to addiction recovery.

“Rehabilitation provides someone with the opportunity to rebuild one’s life in a safe recovery environment and receive the holistic support and treatment needed to arrest the disease and negative outcomes,” stated Leonida Gove-Clark, Harbor Light Center program director. For more information, go to:

Ventura remodels TLC
The newly remodeled Ventura, Calif., transitional living center (TLC) is open for business, thanks to a loan from the State of California Emergency Housing Assistance Program Capital Development and the Ventura Corps’ advisory board members’ hard work. The 45-bed facility with nine family rooms and a dormitory that can house up to nine single women has been renewed with a new pantry and fully furnished kitchen to serve the needs of the residents; it has also expanded its capacity by four people. It will serve as “a graduation house, where clients who have been in the TLC program can stay and participate in the program an additional 18 months,” reports Corps Officer Major Lyn Thompson.

Chavez earns MBA
Major Joe Frank Chavez, Golden State divisional finance secretary, has recently earned an executive Master of Business Administration from Colorado Technical University. Congratulations, Major!

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