FRONTLINES – News Briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann Warner

And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. (Romans 5:3,4)

Stuff for Students
Kids in the Colorado Springs, Colo., area will have new backpacks filled with school supplies, thanks to the Army’s “Stuff for Students” supply drive. Donations were collected at Wal-Mart and King Sooper stores in Colorado Springs and Fountain.

Men’s camp a success
Hawaii and Pacific Islands Divisional Commander Major Dave Hudson reports a successful men’s camp, with special guest, Major Glen Madsen. “Approximately 100 men attended the camp and learned valuable spiritual lessons on ‘Living Beyond Belief’,” said Hudson, and thanked Major Jeff Martin for his planning and leadership of the camp.

Southwest and Del Oro Participate in Las Vegas Drill
Rev. Duane Sonnenberg, director of Grants and Special Projects for the Clark County Command in Las Vegas and Clark County EDS coordinator, helped plan a full-scale exercise, Rotunda Thunda, recently. The drill took place July 11–14 in 115 degree weather. Mobile feeding units were brought from Reno, Nev., Show Low, Ariz. and Flagstaff, Ariz. to team up with the Las Vegas kitchen trailer in an exercise testing their ability to deploy multiple units from various locations and divisions.

A joint command was established by Ken Cavallero and Jim Puza, EDS coordinators for the Del Oro and Southwest Divisions. TSA also placed a liaison, Ed Ryan an EDS volunteer, at the county emergency operation center and Charles Desiderio as the Public Information Officer at the joint information center.

The scenario for the exercise was intended to “tax to the limit” the emergency response, police and fire, public health and medical resources of the county.

New appointments
Major Ralph Hood has announced the following appointments: THQ – Program Services: Captain Rhonda Lloyd—additional responsibility, Current Issues Secretary, effective 6/29/05; ARC Command: Captain David Leonard––Administrator, Tucson ARC, effective 7/24/05; Captain Timothy Rockey––Assistant Administrator, Santa Monica ARC, effective 7/31/05; Captain Judith A. Rockey––Assistant Director of Special Services, Santa Monica ARC, effective 7/31/05; Intermountain Division: Lt. Colonel Carolyn Peacock—additional responsibility, Officer Development Secretary, effective 6/27/05.

You’re invited to Greece & Turkey
Administration has expanded the invitation to the 2006 Territorial Study tour to Greece and Turkey, Feburary 14-27, 2006, to include: corps officers who wish to participate in a second tour, retired officers, soldiers, and Salvation Army employees. The full fee of $3,336 (greatly reduced discount and includes gratuities) must be paid independently before October 21, 2005; payment must be by check.

For more information contact the Territorial Education Department, CFOT. Phone: 310-265-6352.

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