Frontlines – News Briefs Of The West

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by Sue Schumann Warner – 

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves….be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:9-12

Happy Birthday War Cry
The United Kingdom’s biggest-selling newspaper, The War Cry, has just turned 125 years old. A staple on Britain’s streets since the first edition of December 27, 1897, The War Cry has been used throughout its history to present the gospel in a relevant way, said Editor Major Nigel Bovey.

Serving in Latvia
Liz Brown, a soldier of the Ontario, Calif., corps, recently moved to Riga, Latvia to begin a year, possibly more, of overseas service. Look for reports from Liz on her work there in upcoming issues of New Frontier.
To read more about Western Salvationists who serve overseas, visit the territory’s website, and look for “Western Territory officers and personnel serving overseas,” under “Resources.” If you are interested in short-term overseas missions, talk to your corps officer or contact the World Missions Department at THQ at 562-491-8473.

Fritz honored
Major Russell Fritz, San Bernardino corps officer, was recently honored by the mayor and city council of San Bernardino, Calif., with a certificate of recognition for his participation in the police department’s chaplain program. In the program, chaplains are called on to assist in quelling gang violence, mitigate volatile racial/social issues, and provide comfort to police officers and citizens alike. Congratulations, Major!

This heart’s for you
Local area volunteer groups, junior high school children from St. Mark’s Episcopal School, and the Interested Ladies of Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority created swirled hearts, resplendent flowers, and heartfelt messages for a special project: Valentine’s Day cards for the Pasadena, Hollywood, and Lakeview Salvation Army Silvercrest senior residents.
“For some seniors, the staff and residents at our Silvercrests are the only family they have,” said Michelle Motley, director of volunteers and in-kind giving for the Southern California Division. “We wanted to remind all of our elders that we know that they are valued members of The Salvation Army family and that we love them. We also wanted to connect our young people with their neighborhood seniors. Both groups can learn a lot from each other and really be able to appreciate one another.”

Thank you
Long Beach Fire Chief Dave Ellis presented a check for $1,370 to Commissioner Phil Swyers for The Salvation Army’s tsunami relief work; the funds came from donations by the firefighters. Thank you for your generosity!

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