Frontlines — News briefs of the West

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“Grace is a one-word summary of all Christ’s work.”
–Clarence Wiseman

The Desert Road to Glory


Salvation Army emergency disaster personnel went into action offering aid and support to emergency response workers, Texas residents, and a nation mourning the tragic accident that destroyed Space Shuttle Columbia. As federal, state and local officials began searching for debris from the spacecraft, Salvation Army emergency disaster service vehicles (canteens) were dispatched to provide counseling and relief services to those directly involved.

With debris from the shuttle scattered over a 200-mile radius, the Army dispatched nine canteens to assist recovery personnel in Nacogdoches, Palestine, Rusk and Lufkin, Texas. A command center has been established in Palestine, Texas, to help coordinate the relief effort.


With venison donated by the Sportsmen Against Hunger (SAH) program of Safari Club International (SCI) – and cooked by the Eldorado Hotel ­ the Reno, Nevada corps served at least 800 spaghetti meals to the underprivileged during the first Feed the Hungry Dinner at the Reno Livestock Events Center. In addition, the Handgun Hunters Chapter of SCI presented 4,000 $1 bills to Major Tom Petersen at the dinner, a down payment for the $10,000 the group is donating to help finance the dining room of a proposed new ARP facility. The 7,000 pounds of donated venison is expected to serve 26,000 meals in the community. The Army will be sharing the venison with other local social service agencies/organizations.


The Denver Red Shield Home League, under the leadership of Envoy Roberta McKinney, has a new seniors timbrel group. The group meets once a week for practice and currently has ten active members. “It is my prayer and hope that once the group begins performing that they will inspire other seniors from our Red Shield senior program to not only join the timbrel group, but to participate in our Home League programs,” says McKinney.


Major David Hudson, Community Relations and Development Secretary, reports John Berglund, former Southwest Division service extension director and disaster services coordinator is now the territorial disaster training coordinator. Susan Lawrence is the new director of the Silvercrest management department.


Authors Susan Hagen and Mary Carouba have written a book, Women at Ground Zero, that tells the stories of women–primarily rescue workers–who responded to the September 11, 2001 events at the World Trade Center. Salvation Army officer Major Molly Schotzberger is one of those profiled in the book. To order a copy, contact Supplies and Purchasing 800-937-8896. The cost is $22.95 plus tax and shipping.


Majors Clifford and Susan Jones of the Coos Bay Corps (Oregon) report amazing growth of the Alpha program in their corps. The 10-week program just started up again with 21 adults, seven of whom are leaders. Of the 11 new people, one found out about it through the Army’s social service office, and another through the local newspaper. The corps has also added a teen Alpha with 14 teens registered. Major Susan Jones states, “This is the first time in my 30 years as an officer I have felt 100 percent confident about inviting someone to a program. It is not a ‘church’ program per se. That is why it is so appealing.”


Do you have news for Frontlines? If so, please send it in! We welcome information on events, people, and activities from corps, ARCs and service extension units throughout the West. Please send to: Frontlines – New Frontier, The Salvation Army, 180 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90802. Or, e-mail



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frontlines — news briefs of the west. “grace is a one-word summary of all christ’s work.” –clarence wiseman. the desert road to glory. army offers aid. salvation army emergency disaster personnel went into action offering aid and support to emergency response workers, texas residents, and a nation mourning the tragic accident that destroyed space shuttle columbia. as federal, state and local officials began searching for debris from the spacecraft, salvation army emergency disaster service vehicles (canteens) were dispatched to provide counseling and relief services to those directly involved. with debris from the shuttle scattered over a 200-mile radius, the army dispatched nine canteens to assist recovery personnel in nacogdoches, palestine, rusk and lufkin, texas. a command center has been established in palestine, texas, to help coordinate the relief effort. reno feeds hungry. with venison donated by the sportsmen against hunger (sah) program of safari club international (sci) – and cooked by the eldorado hotel ­ the reno, nevada corps served at least 800 spaghetti meals to the underprivileged during the first feed the hungry dinner at the reno livestock events center. in addition, the handgun hunters chapter of sci presented 4,000 $1 bills to major tom petersen at the dinner, a down payment for the $10,000 the group is donating to help finance the dining room of a proposed new arp facility. the 7,000 pounds of donated venison is expected to serve 26,000 meals in the community. the army will be sharing the venison with other local social service agencies/organizations. seniors stay active. the denver red shield home league, under the leadership of envoy roberta mckinney, has a new seniors timbrel group. the group meets once a week for practice and currently has ten active members. “it is my prayer and hope that once the group begins performing that they will inspire other seniors from our red shield senior program to not only join the timbrel group, but to participate in our home league programs,” says mckinney. welcome on board. major david hudson, community relations and development secretary, reports john berglund, former southwest division service extension director and disaster services coordinator is now the territorial disaster training coordinator. susan lawrence is the new director of the silvercrest management department. women at ground zero. authors susan hagen and mary carouba have written a book, women at ground zero, that tells the stories of women–primarily rescue workers–who responded to the september 11, 2001 events at the world trade center. salvation army officer major molly schotzberger is one of those profiled in the book. to order a copy, contact supplies and purchasing 800-937-8896. the cost is $22.95 plus tax and shipping. alpha a hit in coos bay. majors clifford and susan jones of the coos bay corps (oregon) report amazing growth of the alpha program in their corps. the 10-week program just started up again with 21 adults, seven of whom are leaders. of the 11 new people, one found out about it through the army’s social service office, and another through the local newspaper. the corps has also added a teen alpha with 14 teens registered. major susan jones states, “this is the first time in my 30 years as an officer i have felt 100 percent confident about inviting someone to a program. it is not a ‘church’ program per se. that is why it is so appealing.”. what’s up? do you have news for frontlines? if so, please send it in! we welcome information on events, people, and activities from corps, arcs and service extension units throughout the west. please send to: frontlines – new frontier, the salvation army, 180 e. ocean blvd., long beach, ca 90802. or, e-mail
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