Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann Warner“We have this hope [of God’s unchanging nature and purpose] as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Heb. 6:19.

These days, I’m finding that living in hope and being thankful ‘in all things,’ (1 Thess. 5:16) makes a big difference in my daily life–and in my outlook for the future.

Please read on to see the difference the Army’s ministry is making every day in lives throughout the West…


In the weeks before the events of Sept. 11, three young Tucson entrepreneurs set up a lemonade stand alongside the road on a hot and humid day. At the end of the day, they had earned $6.20. After mulling over what to do with the money, Jeffrey Headlee, 9, and his cousins Charlie and Reiley Price, 8 and 7, finally decided not to spend it, but to donate to The Salvation Army, “to help the poor people.”


Pearl Martin, Gateway, Alaska, corps League of Mercy secretary, recently marked 30 years of faithful service. Celebrating with her at her retirement dinner were Major Dolores Rivitt, O.F., and Major Flo Murray. “She has lived the motto, ‘inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me’,” said Murray.


The Redondo Beach, CA, corps participated in the California Firefighter’s Convention, held recently in Redondo Beach. Corps members gave out 25 dozen doughnuts (donated by Krispy Kreme Doughnuts of Gardena) and served nearly 300 cups of coffee from the South Bay disaster services van before and after the fire engine parade. “The disaster van was also the last vehicle in the parade,” said Corps Officer Major Steve Svenson, “and was cheered by many of the spectators.”


Major Russell Fritz, San Bernardino corps officer, recently presented a check for $23,430 to Lt. Colonel Donald Bell, Sierra Del Mar divisional commander, for the disaster work in New York and Washington, D.C. The money came from donations at kettles outside of Ralph’s Stores.

The presentation took place during the grand opening of two programs in San Bernardino: the youth playground and “Path to Prosperity.” In addition, Bell presented the Others Award to Advisory Board member Tom Brickley. Brickley was instrumental in securing over $85,000 in donations for corps refurbishing and the youth playground.


Some 250 men and women beneficiaries and staff from four So. Calif. ARCs (Pasadena, San Bernardino, Santa Monica, and San Diego) enjoyed an outing at San Diego’s Wild Animal Park for a day of exciting sober fellowship. During lunch they broke into discussion groups, enabling participants to talk about changing old habits and having fun and recreation without drugs or alcohol.


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Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Thank you Your September 14 issue was a real masterpiece

Mission and ministry…that is what it is all about

Mission and ministry…that is what it is all about

It is unfortunate, but true, that for the better part of the past four years the

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