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front lines_news briefs of the west. for unto us a child is born…the everlasting father, the prince of peace (isa. 9:6 kjv). karen gleason, editor. wenatchee, wash.—each week at the corps’ kids club, participants learn a memory verse. at a recent meeting, each child remembered the verse from two weeks before: when you are angry, do not sin (ncv). during that lesson, leaders used “angry birds” as a teaching tool and angry bird gummies as a treat. captains frank and beth desplancke are the corps officers. carson city, nev.—lts. mark and leslie cyr, corps officers, went “bar hopping,” collecting turkeys from three local bars that had collected 91 turkeys plus canned and dried food. a couple from one of the bars later came to the corps’ worship service. the cyrs offered encouragement and prayed with them; the couple had recently lost their son. kake, alaska—the salvation army, led by lts. michael and noel evans, joined the assembly of god and presbyterian churches for a united service and thanksgiving lunch. members of all three churches cooked and pitched in to create a successful event. for the message, each pastor took one point of a three-point sermon. “it was a wonderful day—the village coming together under one roof to praise our one god,” noel evans said. san francisco—when the south san francisco citadel corps, led by lts. sean and harryette o’brien, had leftovers after its thanksgiving meal for its feed the need program, volunteers took the food into different areas of the city to share with people who didn’t have a holiday meal. the corps recently introduced the prison ministries bible correspondence outreach that will begin in january, and found the congregation open to the idea of grading bible lessons for prison inmates. torrance, calif.—during a friday night bible study at the stillman sawyer center, a couple came in for assistance. leaders explained that they were in the middle of bible study and invited the couple to join them, which they did. in the midst of discussing john 18 and what jesus was about to do for all humanity on calvary, the man began sobbing. everyone gathered around him and led him to christ. majors brian and millie bearchell are torrance corps officers; captain michael and major beth paugh are associate corps officers. pendleton, ore.—the corps hosted a community thanksgiving service that included over 10 churches, with local choirs, pastors and church members coming together to worship on sunday evening and afterwards enjoying dessert. corps officer lt. ricky scruggs brought the message. “the community of believers in pendleton knows the heart of the salvation army better than ever as we preached the word and then served every single person before any of our members sat down to eat,” lt. sylvia scruggs said. “it was a blessed evening!”.
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front lines_news briefs of the west. for unto us a child is born…the everlasting father, the prince of peace (isa. 9:6 kjv). karen gleason, editor. wenatchee, wash.—each week at the corps’ kids club, participants learn a memory verse. at a recent meeting, each child remembered the verse from two weeks before: when you are angry, do not sin (ncv). during that lesson, leaders used “angry birds” as a teaching tool and angry bird gummies as a treat. captains frank and beth desplancke are the corps officers. carson city, nev.—lts. mark and leslie cyr, corps officers, went “bar hopping,” collecting turkeys from three local bars that had collected 91 turkeys plus canned and dried food. a couple from one of the bars later came to the corps’ worship service. the cyrs offered encouragement and prayed with them; the couple had recently lost their son. kake, alaska—the salvation army, led by lts. michael and noel evans, joined the assembly of god and presbyterian churches for a united service and thanksgiving lunch. members of all three churches cooked and pitched in to create a successful event. for the message, each pastor took one point of a three-point sermon. “it was a wonderful day—the village coming together under one roof to praise our one god,” noel evans said. san francisco—when the south san francisco citadel corps, led by lts. sean and harryette o’brien, had leftovers after its thanksgiving meal for its feed the need program, volunteers took the food into different areas of the city to share with people who didn’t have a holiday meal. the corps recently introduced the prison ministries bible correspondence outreach that will begin in january, and found the congregation open to the idea of grading bible lessons for prison inmates. torrance, calif.—during a friday night bible study at the stillman sawyer center, a couple came in for assistance. leaders explained that they were in the middle of bible study and invited the couple to join them, which they did. in the midst of discussing john 18 and what jesus was about to do for all humanity on calvary, the man began sobbing. everyone gathered around him and led him to christ. majors brian and millie bearchell are torrance corps officers; captain michael and major beth paugh are associate corps officers. pendleton, ore.—the corps hosted a community thanksgiving service that included over 10 churches, with local choirs, pastors and church members coming together to worship on sunday evening and afterwards enjoying dessert. corps officer lt. ricky scruggs brought the message. “the community of believers in pendleton knows the heart of the salvation army better than ever as we preached the word and then served every single person before any of our members sat down to eat,” lt. sylvia scruggs said. “it was a blessed evening!”.
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