Front lines / News from the West

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By Karen Gleason

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Rom. 10:15 NIV)

 MAJURO ATOLL, MARSHALL ISLANDS—So many people attended The Laura Corps’ Palm Sunday celebration that the small building could not accommodate them, and many worshippers stood outside under the trees to hear the message. During the altar call, 22 new people responded and many corps members came forward for recommitment. A/Captains Mioshi and Virginia Anwot are the corps officers.

SOUTHEAST COMMUNITIES, CALIF.—The City of Downey recognized the Southeast Communities Corps as one of the best food providers in the city. Although the corps does not receive any grants from the city, local residents supply the food bank and The Salvation Army is able to provide for many in the community. Maria Ramirez is in-charge at Southeast Communities.


TUALATIN VALLEY, ORE.—In March, the corps started a “TVC Fit” group, incorporating fitness into participants’ lifestyles. The members meet twice a week to walk, run and exercise together and have found it also to be a source of outreach and discipleship. Lts. Emmanuel and Jennifer Masango are the corps officers.

SUISUN CITY, CALIF.—During the week leading up to Palm Sunday, members of the Suisun City Corps (soon-to-be the Suisun City Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center, grand opening May 26-27) went into the neighborhood, placing 2,000 door hangers promoting Easter week activities. Twenty new people attended the Palm Sunday service. Captains Jonathan and Vickie Harvey are the corps officers.


EL PASO COUNTY, COLO.—Alma Scott, volunteer coordinator for The Salvation Army in El Paso County, received the Kaleidoscope Award from southern Colorado’s Center for Nonprofit Excellence, which has over 200 member groups. The annual award recognizes volunteer managers who show excellence in their work and commitment to their organization. Major John Bennett is the El Paso County coordinator.

 HENDERSON, NEV.—The Salvation Army has begun a $750,000 reconstruction of its Adult Day Care program, which currently serves 30 clients. The center opened in 1986 and has never been renovated. Most of the funds are from the estate of Mary Roberts, who specified that the money go toward adult day care. After remodeling is complete this summer, the center could reach full capacity of 49 clients. Major Will Cobb is Henderson corps officer.


 SAN FRANCISCO—University of Oregon students, taking an alternative Spring Break, helped with Harbor Light Center’s Homeless Outreach preparation. After learning about the mission of The Salvation Army, 15 students prepared over 1,500 sandwiches and joined other volunteers to deliver them to four areas with high homelessness in the city.


CORRECTION—A quote from Klasharine Rudolph, member of the Hawaiian and Pacific Islands divisional hula group ministry, was incorrectly attributed to Klazarine matto in the article “The lei of the Lord” (vol. 30, no. 6, April 9).


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front lines / news from the west. by karen gleason. “how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (rom. 10:15 niv). majuro atoll, marshall islands—so many people attended the laura corps’ palm sunday celebration that the small building could not accommodate them, and many worshippers stood outside under the trees to hear the message. during the altar call, 22 new people responded and many corps members came forward for recommitment. a/captains mioshi and virginia anwot are the corps officers. southeast communities, calif.—the city of downey recognized the southeast communities corps as one of the best food providers in the city. although the corps does not receive any grants from the city, local residents supply the food bank and the salvation army is able to provide for many in the community. maria ramirez is in-charge at southeast communities. tualatin valley, ore.—in march, the corps started a “tvc fit” group, incorporating fitness into participants’ lifestyles. the members meet twice a week to walk, run and exercise together and have found it also to be a source of outreach and discipleship. lts. emmanuel and jennifer masango are the corps officers. suisun city, calif.—during the week leading up to palm sunday, members of the suisun city corps (soon-to-be the suisun city ray and joan kroc corps community center, grand opening may 26-27) went into the neighborhood, placing 2,000 door hangers promoting easter week activities. twenty new people attended the palm sunday service. captains jonathan and vickie harvey are the corps officers. el paso county, colo.—alma scott, volunteer coordinator for the salvation army in el paso county, received the kaleidoscope award from southern colorado’s center for nonprofit excellence, which has over 200 member groups. the annual award recognizes volunteer managers who show excellence in their work and commitment to their organization. major john bennett is the el paso county coordinator. henderson, nev.—the salvation army has begun a $750,000 reconstruction of its adult day care program, which currently serves 30 clients. the center opened in 1986 and has never been renovated. most of the funds are from the estate of mary roberts, who specified that the money go toward adult day care. after remodeling is complete this summer, the center could reach full capacity of 49 clients. major will cobb is henderson corps officer. san francisco—university of oregon students, taking an alternative spring break, helped with harbor light center’s homeless outreach preparation. after learning about the mission of the salvation army, 15 students prepared over 1,500 sandwiches and joined other volunteers to deliver them to four areas with high homelessness in the city. correction—a quote from klasharine rudolph, member of the hawaiian and pacific islands divisional hula group ministry, was incorrectly attributed to klazarine matto in the article “the lei of the lord” (vol. 30, no. 6, april 9).
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